Your baby's first steps

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~ Zarkon ~

As Zarkon started spending more time with Gatrea, she started bonding with him more. Zarkon was elated that his daughter finally loved him. He often let her hold his hands while he tried to teach her how to walk. She hadn't walked on her own yet, but she would be in no time. One day after lunch you and Zarkon were hanging out in the living room while sitting on the couch.

Gatrea was playing with one of her favorite stuffed toys, but when she looked up at you and Zarkon, she wanted to be held. With all the help from Zarkon, her legs were getting stronger. Gatrea put her toy to the side and stood on all fours, balancing herself. She slowly pushed up with her arms and stood upright, but stumbled a little and fell on her butt. Her sudden attempt to stand up caught you and Zarkon's attention.

"Is she trying to stand on her own?" Zarkon queried, looking down at Gatrea who wasn't affected by falling.

"I think so." You replied, looking at your daughter and seeing that she was alright.

"Come on, Gatrea, you can do it." Zarkon said encouragingly, hoping that she would come to him.

Gatrea stuck her tongue out a little as she got back on her hands and feet, pushing herself up again. She wobbled a little, but this time she didn't fall over. She hesitantly took a step forwards and didn't fall over, but on her second step, she stumbled. Gatrea stumbled the rest of the way; she would have fallen if it wasn't for you. You rushed over to your daughter right as she was going to fall face first onto the floor.

"Don't worry, I've got you. You did so good." You reassured your daughter as you picked her up, praising her for taking her first steps.

"You almost did it!" Zarkon said happily as you sat down on the couch with Gatrea.

Gatrea giggled happily as she hugged you with her little arms as best as she could. You hugged her back, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. Zarkon was happy that his walking 'lessons' were actually helping. You both were proud of Gatrea for trying to walk; you both knew that she would be walking better in no time.


~ Alfor ~

After an intense spring cleaning Alfor somehow managed to misplace his bayard. You didn't know how he lost it, but he did. So now, you both were looking everywhere for it. You both looked in his and your bedroom, the walk in closet, all of the bathrooms and the kitchen, but it was nowhere to be seen. Alfor checked everywhere inside of Red, but it wasn't there.

You both were currently looking in the living room, hoping that it was in there somewhere. Lotarius was sitting on the floor while looking at an Altean picture book, but looking at pictures got boring after a while, so he stopped. After looking around the living room for a moment, he noticed something red, white and gray laying under the couch. He crawled over and pulled it out, smiling when he saw that it was his father's bayard. He then proceeded to use the couch to balance himself so that he could stand up, as he usually did.

His legs were strong enough to walk after walking while holding onto furniture, but walking on his own wasn't something that he was used to. You and Alfor were so busy looking for the missing bayard that neither of you saw Lotarius figure out how to walk on his own. Once Lotarius was steady on his feet and took his first steps, he picked up the bayard and wobbled over to where you and Alfor were.

"Papa." Lotarius said, trying to get his father's attention, holding the bayard in his arms.

"Not now, Lotarius, your mother is helping me look for my bayard." Alfor told Lotarius as he looked around the bookshelf.

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