When your oldest child loses their first tooth

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~ Zarkon ~

When Gatrea's left upper front tooth started wiggling around she was excited, knowing that it was going to fall out soon. She remembered that you once told her about the tooth fairy, so she couldn't wait for her loose tooth to fall out. However, it didn't happen as soon as she wanted it to. One afternoon during lunch, Gatrea's tooth finally came out when she ate something similar to an apple during lunch. She wrapped it into a tissue and placed it in her lunchbox, making sure to keep it safe until later.

"Momma, papa, guesss what?" Gatrea asked when her Dayak brought her to the living room.

You and Zarkon looked at your oldest daughter when she ran into the living room, both of you noticing how she had a slight lisp. Zara, who was sitting on her father's lap, looked at her big sister with curiosity when she practically bounded into the room.

"What?" You queried, helping Gatrea up onto the couch after she put her lunchbox on the coffee table and opened it, taking out the tissue that held her tooth.

"I losst my toof, ssee?" Gatrea asked with excitement, opening up the tissue and showing both you and her father the tooth that had fallen out.

"So you did!" You said happily, giving her a side hug.

"Did it hurt when it came out?" Zarkon questioned, looking at the small tooth that laid in the center of the tissue.

"Nope!" Gatrea answered, a big smile on her face; she didn't care that she had a temporary gap in the upper row of her teeth.

"That's good." Zarkon responded proudly, smiling down at his daughter.

After you let go of your daughter, you reminded her that she would need to put her tooth under her pillow right before she went to sleep. That's exactly what she did after getting ready for bed, almost too excited to fall asleep. Zarkon didn't really agree with Gatrea believing in the tooth fairy, but he respected your traditions and didn't argue with you about it. The very next morning, Gatrea found one GAC under her pillow and showed it to you and Zarkon during breakfast.


~ Alfor ~

When Lotarius first noticed that one of his teeth were loose, he panicked and ran into the living room where you and his Alfor were. Fallara was taking a nap in the nursery at the time, so he had you and his father's undivided attention. After he told you and Alfor what was going on, Alfor calmly explained everything. One evening a week later after Lotarius' tooth became loose, he was casually eating his vegetables during dinner. Right as Lotarius bit into something that resembled a carrot, he yelped when he felt his tooth come out.

"Momma, papa, my toof fell out." Lotarius said as he held up the fork that held the carrot, showing you and his father the tooth that was stuck in the cooked orange vegetable.

"Are you alright?" Alfor queried, looking at his and your son.

"I thhink- I tasste blood!" Lotarius began to say, before panicking a little when he tasted blood coming from where his tooth fell out.

You quickly got up out of your chair and went to the kitchen. Alfor, Lotarius and Fallara watched as you left; Alfor knew that you were just getting a damp cloth for Lotarius. And, a few moments later, you returned to the dining room and sat down again before giving the damp washcloth to your son. While you were away, Lotarius took his tooth out of the carrot and put it on his napkin.

"Here, this should help stop the bleeding and the pain." You told Lotarius as he put part of the washcloth in his mouth where his tooth fell out.

"Thhank you momma." Lotarius mumbled as he waited for the bleeding to stop, as well as the pain that came with it.

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