When you child is jealous of their new sibling

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~ Zarkon ~

Some time after Zara was born, Gatrea noticed how you and Zarkon spent more time with Zara than they did with her. You and Zarkon were trying not to make her feel left out, but sometimes you both got distracted whenever Zara did something cute or needed something. Over the next few weeks you both noticed a slight change in Gatrea's behavior; she would act bratty whenever Zara was in the same room. You were a little worried about your oldest daughter, and so was Zarkon.

"Gatrea, can you please pick up Zara's pacifier?" Zarkon asked Gatrea as he sat on one of the couches in the living room, holding his and your two and a half month old daughter who dropped her pacifier.

"Get it yourself." Gatrea murmured angrily as she laid on the floor with her coloring book and crayons.

"Excuse me, young lady?" Zarkon asked, not liking Gatrea's tone.

"Whatever." Gatrea quietly muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Don't use that tone with me." Zarkon warned, trying not to startle Zara.

When you heard arguing coming from the living room, you were worried. By the tone Gatrea was using, you could tell that she was upset and possibly slightly distressed. You and Zarkon had been so busy with Zara that you both weren't able to spend as much time with Gatrea as you both used to.

"Is everything alright in here?" You asked when you walked into the living room, noticing how quiet Gatrea got when she saw you.

"Zara accidentally dropped her pacifier and I'm unable to get it because I'm trying to get her to fall asleep, and Gatrea refuses to help." Zarkon calmly told you, glancing down at Zara for a second.

"Gatrea?" You asked your oldest daughter, trying to get her attention.

"You and papa love Zara more than you love me." Gatrea muttered in a barely audible voice, feeling angrier than before.

"What was that?" You calmly queried, raising an eyebrow.

"I said that you and papa love Zara more than you love me." Gatrea told you in a sad tone as she looked up, her voice wavering as she spoke.

"Oh, Gatrea, we love you just as much as we love Zara." You said sympathetically as you walked over to your oldest child, kneeling down next to her.

"No you don't!" Gatrea said, letting out a sob as tears began running down her cheeks.

"Yes we do. It's okay to feel sad and jealous, but please don't think that your father and I don’t love you." You softly told Gatrea, feeling guilty for causing her to be sad.

Gatrea sat up and hugged you, burying her face against your side as she started crying. You gently rubbed her back in a soothing way, waiting for her to stop crying. Zarkon felt bad too; he never meant to make Gatrea feel bad. Thankfully, Zara had fallen asleep, which meant that he could put her in the bassinet that was next to the couch. After Gatrea stopped crying, you and Zarkon promised her that you both would spend some extra time with her so she wouldn't have to feel jealous anymore.


~ Alfor ~

As much as Lotarius loved his baby sister, sometimes he couldn't help but feel jealous of all the attention she was getting. You and Alfor were almost always spending time with her, Coran and Melenor always spent time with her when they visited, and even Allura thought that Fallara was the cutest baby she'd ever seen. Lotarius felt left out, and he was desperate for more attention. It wasn't that you and Alfor were neglecting him, because you both weren't, but to Lotarius, it felt like you both were. One evening during dinner, Lotarius refused to eat the food that was on his plate.

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