~ Zarkon ~
After having twelve daughters, you and Zarkon decided that you both were finished having children. Zarkon got a vasectomy so that he wouldn't get you pregnant again, taking responsibility so that you wouldn't have to worry about popping out any more surprise babies. He was a little sad that the two of you didn't have any sons, but he really loved all of his and your little princesses. Gatrea married Hepta when they turned twenty three and now had children of their own while Zara was dating a beautiful young Nalquodi woman. Zia and Krella were a part of a foreign exchange student program, so they were currently off-world, leaving you and your husband with eight daughters living at home.
You never imagined that you would have twelve children, but it was definitely worth all the pain, sweat and tears. Your two youngest daughters, Luz and Juz, were only eleven months old and were extremely adorable. While your other daughters were either doing their homework or playing in the playroom one evening after dinner, you and Zarkon took Juz and Luz to the nursery when it was their bedtime. Your other daughters knew that if they needed you, they had to be quiet when they were near the nursery. While you were putting Juz into her pajamas, Zarkon was trying to change Luz' diaper, something he had gotten better at over the years; he still gagged sometimes, though.
"Do you need any help over there?" You questioned as you looked at your husband, sitting on the comfortable glider chair while carefully putting Juz' pajama shirt on her.
"No, I've got it under control." Zarkon answered, insisting that everything was under control despite fighting the urge to gag.
"Yeah, daddy doesn't have it under control. Your sister is giving him a hard time." You playfully whispered to Luz, causing her to giggle.
"I heard that." Zarkon spoke up after hearing what you told Luz, rolling his eyes; he finished changing Juz' diaper as quickly as he could so that he could sanitize his hands and put her in her pajamas.
You got Luz into her pajamas first, smiling as you watched her yawn. You knew that your two youngest daughters were tired after the long day of fun they had, so it wouldn't be very long before they fell asleep. You kissed Luz' forehead before you laid her in her crib and tucked her in. Zarkon, who had just finished putting Juz in her pajamas, placed her in her own crib next before tucking her in. You both wished your two youngest daughters goodnight before turning the nursery light off and cracking the door halfway.
"You know kitten, it would be nice to go out to dinner together tomorrow evening. Just the two of us." Zarkon spoke softly as he walked next to you, clearly hinting at wanting to spend time alone with you.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" You queried with excitement, smiling as you looked up at your husband.
"I am. I still love spending time alone with my beautiful wife." Zarkon confirmed as he smiled down at you; even after giving birth several times, he still thought that you were the most beautiful woman in existence.
"I would love to, Zar Zar." You responded happily, a light blush dusting your cheeks.
Zarkon's smile got a little wider, a happy feeling causing his heart to swell in his chest. Even though you both still had eight daughters still living at home, that you and your husband loved dearly, the two of you still loved going out on date nights and short two day vacations as a couple. As you both slowly walked in the direction of the living room, you held one of your husband's hands with one of yours, your heart fluttering in your chest as you thought about the next evening. Zarkon bought a new outfit for you to wear for his and your date; he made sure that it was your favorite color. As you walked next to your husband, you remembered back when you first met him and smiled, happy with how your life turned out.

Paladins Parent Scenarios
RomanceWell, here it is. The sequel of my Paladins Dating Scenarios. If you haven't read the first book yet, then I suggest reading it before you read this. (June 16 2021 - June 22nd 2022) IMPORTANT NOTE!: You're only in a relationship with ONE character...