When one of your kids does something naughty

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~ Zarkon ~

While your kids were playing outside and Zarkon was keeping an eye on them, you were resting in a chair in the shade under an umbrella. You were pregnant again and Zarkon wanted to make sure that you weren't tiring yourself out too quickly. You loved how your husband took care of you while you were pregnant; he even took care of you when you weren't pregnant. Right before dinner you, Zarkon and all of your daughters went inside to get ready for the meal. You noticed how Kuhuv was acting a little strange and your woman's intuition was saying that she was up to something.

Each of your daughters washed their hands before dinner, or so you thought. While Kuhuv was outside, she came across an insect that looked similar to a grasshopper, only it was purple and had four antennae instead of two. She had it in one of her pockets while she ate, but every so often she would check on it. While she was making sure that it was still there about halfway through dinner, it managed to escape and hopped onto the table.

"How the frag did that thing get in the palace?!" You shrieked when you saw the five inch long purple grasshopper hop onto the table.

Startled by your voice, the grasshopper opened its wings and flew towards Zara, causing her to scream, get off of her chair and run out of the dining room. What started out as a calm meal time quickly turned chaotic. Gatrea tried catching the grasshopper with an empty glass while Zia and Krella tried catching it with their hands. You stayed in your seat and sighed in defeat while Zarkon tried killing the insect with his large hands.

"Don't kill it, papa!" Gatrea pleaded with her father when he just barely missed the grasshopper.

"That abomination needs to be killed before your mother has a panic attack!" Zarkon responded loudly as he chased after the grasshopper.

"I want to keep it as a pet!" Zia shouted with excitement, trying to grab the grasshopper when it hopped past her.

"Me too!" Krella added; she really wanted a pet, and what better pet to have than a grasshopper?

"It needs to be freed outside!" Gatrea reasoned, not wanting the frightened insect to get killed.

While Zarkon, Gatrea, Krella and Zia were chasing after the grasshopper around the dining room, you noticed the guilty look on Kuhuv's face. After Gatrea went to open one of the windows wide open and Krella chased the grasshopper in her direction, it opened its wings and flew outside as quickly as it could. Gatrea closed the window after the grasshopper flew out the window, thankful that the poor insect managed to escape.

"Alright, who brought the insect inside the palace?" Zarkon questioned his and your daughters in a firm tone as they all sat down; obviously it wasn't Zara since she was afraid of bugs.

"We're not mad, but we need to know." You calmly added, not wanting your daughters to be too afraid to confess.

Kuhuv felt bad for bringing the grasshopper inside; she only wanted to keep it as a pet. Zarkon looked at Kuhuv when he heard her sigh, knowing that she had something to do with the unexpected house guest.

"I did it, daddy. I'm sorry, mommy." Kuhuv shyly confessed before apologizing to you; she felt bad for making you panic.

"It's alright, baby, but please don't do it again." You spoke up before Zarkon could say anything, knowing that your currently youngest daughter had learned her lesson.

"I promise that I won't." Kuhuv promised you with a guilty tone, promising to never bring another bug inside the palace ever again.

Since you said something before he did, Zarkon let you handle the situation. Even though he wasn't angry at Kuhuv, he still grounded her for the entire next day for bringing an insect inside. Since Zara refused to return to the dining room, you took her dinner to her bedroom so that she could finish eating, bringing your own along with you so that she wouldn't have to eat alone. Despite being terrified of bugs, Zara wouldn't stay mad at Kuhuv for very long. As for the grasshopper, it flew away from the palace as far as it could so that it would never be captured again.

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