The first ultrasound

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~ Zarkon ~

Today you and Zarkon were in Haggar's office because you were now six weeks pregnant, which meant that you were able to have your first ultrasound. You laid on the examination table with your stomach area exposed while Haggar got her scanner. Zarkon stood next to the table and held one of your hands.

"Alright my Empress, please lay perfectly still." Haggar said as she held her scanner over you.

You did as she said and laid perfectly still. Haggar turned her scanner on and a beam of light moved over your stomach a few times. A few seconds later the scan was done and you were able to sit up. You and Zarkon could hear the heartbeat of your baby.

"The child appears to be healthy." Haggar said as she showed you the image on a holoscreen.

"It doesn't look like much." Zarkon noted.

"It will. Come back in a few weeks and I'll be able to see what gender they are." Haggar told you and Zarkon.

"We will. Thank you." Zarkon said as he helped you get off of the examination table.

You put your shirt back down over your flat (for now) belly and stood on the floor. You both went to go have lunch now that your first ultrasound was done. You were happy that your baby was healthy and so was Zarkon.


~ Alfor ~

As soon as you were six weeks into your pregnancy you and Alfor wanted to see how your baby was doing. Alfor took you to the royal doctor and now you were laying on a semi comfortable table. Alfor stood next to the table you were laying on and held one of your hands as the doctor placed something similar to a transducer on your belly, making an image pop up on the holoscreen.

"Well?" Alfor asked the doctor, trying not to seem worried.

"Let me see now… Oh, here." The doctor said, finding your baby and pointing to it on the holoscreen and playing the heartbeat over the speaker.

"That's our baby." You said, smiling up at Alfor.

"Yes, so it is. Are they healthy?" Alfor asked the doctor.

"It is." The doctor said happily.

You felt tears well up in your eyes as you looked at the image of your baby and listened to the heartbeat. You couldn't get over the fact that you had a tiny person growing inside of you. The doctor saved an image of the ultrasound and saved it to a holopad. After the ultrasound was done you and Alfor went to go rest in his and your bedroom.


~ Blaytz ~

Now that you were six weeks pregnant you were able to have your first ultrasound. You were nervous and you could tell that Blaytz was nervous too. Although, he showed it more than you did. So as you laid on a somewhat comfortable medical table you held one of his hands with one of yours as the doctor searched for your baby with something similar to a transducer.

"Is that it?" Blaytz asked, pointing to something on the holoscreen.

"No, it isn't." The doctor replied, still looking for your baby.

"What about that?" Blaytz asked, still pointing to the screen.

"No, that's not it either. This is." The doctor said, finally finding your baby and pointing to it.

"It is? It looks more like two marshmallows that melted together." Blaytz said as he stopped pointing to the screen, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

"Blaytz! How dare you compare our baby to two marshmallows!" You said in shock.

"Sorry, cutie." Blaytz said, the feelers on his head drooping slightly.

"Your baby is perfectly healthy. Here's the heartbeat." The doctor told you both, playing the heartbeat over the speaker.

"That's great. Could you possibly send us some still pictures?" You asked the doctor curiously.

"I can." The doctor replied, saving some still photos of the ultrasound.

Blaytz smirked as he looked at the image of his and your baby. Even if it did look like two marshmallows melted together, he thought it was perfect. You and Blaytz got a little emotional after hearing your baby's heartbeat. After the ultrasound was done you and Blaytz went to go relax and cuddle in his and your bedroom.


~ Gyrgan ~

Once you were about six weeks pregnant Gyrgan took you to the royal doctor. As you laid on the padded examination table the doctor ran a transducer over your belly. Gyrgan stood by the table and let you hold one of his hands with one of yours.

"Here's your baby, your Majesties." The doctor said as he pointed to the small blob on the holoscreen.

"It doesn't look like much." Gyrgan said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"It won't for a while." The doctor told Gyrgan.

"Are they healthy?" You asked the doctor curiously.

"They are." The doctor said happily.

You felt a few tears of joy well up in your eyes as you looked at your baby. The doctor let you both hear your baby's heartbeat. Gyrgan couldn't believe that you were actually growing a tiny person inside of you. After the ultrasound was done you and Gyrgan went to go rest together.


~ Trigel ~

Since you were now about six weeks pregnant you were able to have your first ultrasound. You and Trigel went to the doctor together so that you both could see your baby and hear the heartbeat. So now here you were, laying on the padded examination table while Trigel held one of your hands with one of hers. The doctor was playing the heartbeat over the speaker.

"Okay, so here's your baby. They're perfectly healthy." The doctor said, pointing to the odd shaped blob on the screen.

"Could we get a still copy?" Trigel asked the doctor, wanting a picture of the ultrasound.

"Of course, I'll send you some as soon as I can." The doctor said politely.

You and Trigel looked at each other and smiled. You got a little emotional as you heard your baby's heartbeat. After the ultrasound was done you and Trigel went to go relax in the garden and have lunch which was already ready.

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