When your oldest daughter gets her first period

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~ Zarkon ~

Throughout the day Gatrea's lower abdomen ached a little, but she didn't think much of it since she thought that she was just constipated or something. She was only thirteen years old, so she was too young to go through her first heat cycle; however, she was going through early puberty. Lately, she had been crying over practically everything. During dinner one evening, Gatrea's cramps got worse and she felt a slight dampness in between her legs. Puberty was already pure hell for her, but she wasn't expecting to get abdominal cramps.

"Gatrea, are you feeling alright?" Zarkon asked his and your oldest daughter with concern when he got a whiff of blood coming from her.

"No, my lower abdomen hurts really bad. Can I go use the bathroom?" Gatrea questioned, gritting her teeth together while looking at her father.

"Yes, you can." Zarkon calmly answered; Gatrea was half Human, so there was a slight chance that she was able to go through the monthly womanly sickness.

"Thank you." Gatrea huffed in pain before getting out of her chair and waddling out of the dining room as quickly as she could, working through the pain.

You, Zarkon and the rest of your daughters watched Gatrea waddle out of the dining room. You were worried about your oldest daughter, so you carefully got out of your seat and followed her, placing a hand on your slowly growing baby bump as you stood up. Zarkon offered to help you, but you told him that he most likely wouldn't be able to help. Meanwhile, as soon as Gatrea closed the bathroom door and opened the toilet seat, she pulled her pants and underwear down before sitting on the toilet. She let out a loud scream when she saw blood in the crotch of her underwear; she was aware of what a period was, but she didn't think that she would get it.

"Gatrea, what's wrong?" You asked your daughter through the bathroom door after hearing her scream, extremely concerned about what was wrong.

"I got my first period!" Gatrea cried out in sadness and disbelief, her eyes widening when she sat back a little and saw blood slowly dripping out of herself and into the toilet.

"Don't worry, you're going to be alright. Hold on, I'll be right back." You told your daughter before walking towards her bedroom.

Gatrea huffed in frustration, unhappy that she had gotten her period. You walked as quickly as you could to her bedroom and grabbed a pair of clean underwear out of her dresser before returning to the bathroom. You asked her if she was decent before opening the door a little before tossing her underwear in, promptly closing the door again. Gatrea was able to catch the clean underwear when you tossed it in before grabbing a pad that was in the drawer closest to the toilet. She quickly changed her underwear and figured out how to put a pad on; once that was settled, she proceeded to wipe herself and flush the toilet.

Gatrea winced when a particularly bad cramp wracked through her lower abdomen, causing her to almost double over. After pulling her pants and underwear up, she put her old underwear in the laundry chute and grabbed the aspirin out of the medicine cabinet. Her cramps completely ruined her appetite, she wouldn't be finishing her dinner.

"Is it okay if I don't finish dinner, mom?" Gatrea queried when she opened the bathroom door and turned the lights off, groaning in pain.

"Yes, that's alright. I'll save your dinner for later. Go rest in your room." You told your oldest daughter in a soft tone before walking back to the dining room.

Gatrea whimpered in pain as she waddled to her bedroom and carefully got onto her bed, laying down as soon as she could. Melody meowed when she saw Gatrea, deciding to join her on the bed; she smiled when she saw Melody, happy to have some company. Meanwhile, when you returned to your place at the dinner table, you told Zarkon that Gatrea had gotten her first period. Zarkon remembered the scent that was coming from Gatrea and realized why it was so familiar; you had the same scent when you were on your period. Zarkon knew that there wasn't much he could do to help Gatrea, but he would do anything to help her in any way he could.

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