False alarm

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~ Zarkon ~

"Are you feeling alright, Y/n?" Zarkon asked you one evening while you both were cuddling in bed.

"I- I don't know… I'm cramping right now." You said nervously as the cramping sensation in your lower abdomen got worse.

Zarkon quickly picked up his holopad and sent a notification to Haggar before putting it back and carefully picked you up bridal style and carried you out of his and your bedroom. You tried your best to work through the pain as you were carried through the palace. Once you both were in Haggar's office Zarkon laid you on the examination table.

"I got your notification." Haggar said as she rushed over to your side.

"It's so early though. Is this normal?" Zarkon asked Haggar.

Haggar got to work and began checking you. Zarkon let you hold one of your hands. You were a little scared, but you wanted to be brave.

"I have good news, my Empress. You're not in labor, you were just experiencing a false alarm." Haggar told you.

"Thank goodness." You sighed, relieved that you didn't have to give birth just yet.

Haggar told Zarkon how to take care of you before he picked you up once again and carried you out of Haggar's office. Once you both were back in bed you relaxed as Zarkon spooned you.


~ Alfor ~

It was afternoon, so you and Alfor were having lunch just like any other day. The only problem was that you were cramping. It was getting very painful for you to move and you were a little worried.

"Is everything alright?" Alfor asked when he noticed the pained look on your face.

"I'm fine. I'm just cramping right now. Our son is also kicking up a storm." You replied, clenching your teeth as the pain moved from your front to your lower back and your son kicked one of your organs.

"Cramping? That's a sign that you could be going into labor early." Alfor said, becoming more alert.

"Don't say that!" You said sharply, glaring at him.

"I would feel better if the doctor checked you." Alfor said, trying to stay calm.

"That's a good idea." You said, agreeing with him.

Alfor got up from sitting and carefully picked you up bridal style. You winced in pain as you went from sitting to being held, but nothing so bad that you cried in pain. Alfor quickly walked to the royal doctor's office and laid you on the examination table.

"King Alfor. Queen Y/n, is everything alright?" The doctor asked with concern as she rushed over to the examination table where you laid.

"I think I'm going into labor." You said, trying not to panic.

The doctor lifted your shirt up enough to expose your thirty four week pregnant baby bump before using her magic to check you. Alfor gently held one of your hands with one of his, fearing for the worst.

"It was just a false alarm. This kind of thing often happens during Altean pregnancies. Since your son is half Altean you'll be going through this a lot. Just keep resting and lay down for a while." The doctor told you and Alfor.

"Alright. And thank you." You told the doctor as Alfor carefully picked you up bridal style, thanking the doctor for her help.

The doctor bid you both farewell as Alfor carried you out of her office. He carried you through the castle and to his and your private lounge. He had the rest of lunch brought to the lounge so that the two of you would finish eating. You were happy that you weren't in labor yet, but you were kind of dreading the day where you would go into labor.

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