When one of your kids gets lost

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~ Zarkon ~

During a shopping trip at the Space Mall, you and Zarkon kept making sure that your daughters were all following you and behaving themselves. You were pushing the stroller that held Kuhuv so that she wouldn't get tired walking. All of your daughters were very well behaved, even Kuhuv; but she had her snacks and sippy cup to occupy her. Gatrea, being the oldest out of all of your daughters, was in charge of holding the shopping list. While you and your family passed a candy store, it caught Krella's attention and she decided to go in. 

Inside, there were rows and rows of all kinds of different candy from all around the universe. Krella quickly caught sight of the gummy asteroids, her favorite kind of candy, and ran over to the shelf. However, while she was in the candy store, you and Zarkon were headed towards a shoe store. Zia and Krella needed new shoes, so you had added new shoes for them on the shopping list.

"Mommy." Zia said when the shoe store was in sight, trying to get your attention.

"Yes?" You calmly asked Zia, smiling as you looked down at her.

"Krella's gone." Zia replied; she noticed that her twin sister was nowhere in sight only a moment ago, which was why she got your attention.

Both you and Zarkon stopped in your tracks as soon as Zia said that Krella was gone. You both had a look around and saw that she was gone. Gatrea was standing next to you while holding the shopping list, Zara was standing next to Zarkon, Zia was standing in between you and Zarkon and Kuhuv was sitting in her stroller. You began to panic when you realized that Krella was lost.

"Zarkon, Krella's lost. We lost her. This place is huge. She could be anywhere." You sputtered as you panicked, looking up at your husband.

"Stay calm, Y/n, she couldn't have gotten very far. She's only four." Zarkon reminded you, trying to stay optimistic.

"You'd be surprised at how far a four year old can go." You firmly told him, knowing that Krella could possibly be in danger with so many strangers around.

"I'll go find her; you and our other daughters wait here, while I go look for her." Zarkon said, gesturing to a bench.

"And what if you can't find her?" You questioned, giving your husband a serious look.

"I'm the Emperor of the Galra and the Black Paladin, leader of Voltron, I will find her." Zarkon calmly reassured you, not wanting you to panic.

"Alright. We'll be waiting here." You responded with a shaky voice, pushing the stroller over to the bench and sitting down.

Zarkon pushed the shopping cart next to the stroller before turning around and walking in the opposite direction. Gatrea, Zara and Zia sat next to you on the bench while Kuhuv asked you if Krella was going to be found. You reassured your youngest daughter that Zarkon was going to find Krella, even though you felt like panicking. There was so much that could happen to a little girl in the mall and you didn't want to think about any of it. However, you still had hope that Zarkon would find your missing daughter; he was the Black Paladin, after all, and Krella was one of the princesses of Diabazaal.

Speaking of your husband, he gazed through the windows and doorways of each store he passed, looking for his and your missing daughter. However, with Krella being one of the princesses as well as one of the daughters of the Black Paladin, someone might attempt to kidnap her. Finally, after searching for a while, Zarkon finally found her in the candy store. Krella was holding a package of gummy asteroids while talking to the cashier.

"Krella, you should know better than to wander off like that. You scared your mother and I to death when we didn't see you." Zarkon said as he walked into the candy store, lightly scolding his daughter.

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