When your baby eats solids for the first time

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~ Zarkon ~

Shortly after Gatrea started teething, you and Zarkon agreed that it was time to start feeding her solid foods. She was pretty much already weaned, much to Zarkon's displeasure, but it had to happen because you didn't like her biting your nipples while she was nursing. You bought as much meat and fruit flavored baby food as you could as soon as possible. So, as Gatrea sat in her high chair you put a bib on her before pouring some banana and strawberry flavored baby food into a bowl.

"Come on Gatrea, open up so that you can eat the yummy food." You baby-talked while holding a small spoonful of baby food in front of her.

Gatrea looked at you, then she looked at the food you were offering her. It smelled good, and if you said it was yummy, then it must be true. Gatrea opened her mouth and then closed it over the spoon as you fed her. You smiled as you carefully slid the spoon out of her mouth, watching as she slowly chewed the food. A few drops spilled out of the corners of her mouth, but she ate most of it.

"Is that yummy?" You asked Gatrea, smiling at her.

Gatrea babbled, giving you her version of an answer. She liked the food a lot and wanted more, so you fed her another spoonful. Zarkon, who was standing a foot or so behind you, looked skeptical of you feeding Gatrea something so strange.

"You make that look so easy." Zarkon mumbled, a slightly jealous tone in his voice.

"Do you want to try?" You questioned, looking back at him.

"Yes, if you don't mind." Zarkon said, wanting to feed his daughter since it looked so easy.

"Well then, here you go." You replied as you stepped to one side, offering him the bowl and spoon.

Zarkon stepped forwards and took the little pink bowl and spoon from you, kneeling down in front of the high chair. You could have sworn that Gatrea was giving you an 'are you kidding me' look, but you brushed it off as nothing. Zarkon smiled as he scooped up a little baby food with the spoon, just like you had been doing.

"Alright Gatrea, here comes the cruiser in for a landing~." Zarkon practically sang in a somewhat quiet voice as he moved the spoon towards Gatrea.

Gatrea looked at the spoon, then up at Zarkon, then back at the spoon again. She didn't quite understand what her father was trying to do, but she didn't exactly like it. Zarkon wasn't expecting what was coming up and neither did you. Gatrea giggled loudly as she quickly reached out and snapped the spoon away, causing the baby food to go flying and hit poor Zarkon in the face. You had to cover your mouth with both of your hands just to stop yourself from laughing.

"And what is so funny about this?" Zarkon deadpanned, wiping his eyes off with the back of one of his hands and looking at you.

"I'm sorry!" You said, trying not to laugh but failing miserably.

"I think you better feed her since you're better at it." Zarkon said, standing up and offering you the bowl and spoon.

You uncovered your mouth and took the bowl and spoon back, unable to hold back a little laughter. It wasn’t that you were making fun of your husband, but you did think that it was cute and funny, in a way. While Zarkon washed the baby food off of his face you went back to feeding Gatrea. Gatrea ate for you, but you couldn't figure out why she wouldn't eat for Zarkon. Meanwhile, Zarkon decided to just stand behind you out of firing range.


~ Alfor ~

After weaning Lotarius and after he started teething you and Alfor decided that it was time for him to start eating solid food. Alfor went out and bought the finest baby food he could from the Space Mall. You both agreed to try the strawberry flavor, just to see if Lotarius would like it. While you got Lotarius into his high chair and put his bib on, Alfor put the baby food into a small red bowl and grabbed one of the little spoons you bought at some point.

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