Morning sickness

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~ Zarkon ~

The morning after you told Zarkon that you were pregnant he woke up when you suddenly got up and bolted to the bathroom. He got up and followed you to the bathroom so that he could comfort you, turning the light on so that you both could see. As you threw up in the strange looking toilet Zarkon knelt down behind you and held your hair out of the way. He hated seeing and hearing you empty your stomach, and he gagged a little, but he had to be strong for you.

"Just let it all out." Zarkon said awkwardly, not sure if he should say anything or not.

As you were getting sick you barely heard what he was saying, but it did help. Eventually, you finally finished and Zarkon got a damp cloth and a glass of water for you. He gently wiped your lips and the area around your mouth with the cloth.

"Here." Zarkon said, handing you the glass of water.

"Thanks." You croaked, taking the glass of water.

Zarkon waited for you to rinse your mouth out before he flushed the toilet, took the glass from you to put it on the counter and carefully picked you up bridal style. He turned the bathroom light off on his way out. Once you both were back in bed and covered up with a blanket he spooned you and the two of you fell asleep.


~ Alfor ~

When Alfor felt you stumble out of bed, and heard you gagging, he woke up and got out of bed. You were already in the bathroom with the light on while getting sick and kneeling in front of the odd looking toilet. Alfor quickly got a glass of water and a damp cloth ready before he knelt down behind you, held your hair out of the way and gently rubbed one of his hands up and down your back.

"Oh Y/n, I'm so sorry that I've put you through this." Alfor said, feeling bad that you were sick.

All you could do was sigh a little as you got sick. Your body aches from being hunched over and being sick. As soon as you were finished Alfor wiped off your lower face and helped you rinse your mouth. He placed the glass back on the counter and flushed the toilet before picking you up bridal style, turning the light off and carrying you back to bed.

"My body hurts." You mumbled sleepily.

"I know. You're going to feel better after you get some rest. I'm here for you." Alfor said, laying you on the bed and getting on right after, spooning you.

You quietly whimpered in pain as he spooned you. Alfor tried being as gentle with you as he could. Thankfully, it wasn't long before you both went back to sleep.


~ Blaytz ~

Your peaceful sleep was disturbed when you suddenly felt sick to your stomach. You bolted to the bathroom, turned on the light and barely made it to the toilet. Blaytz felt you bolt out of bed and woke up. As he walked into the bathroom and saw you getting sick he gagged a little, but knelt down behind you and held your hair out of the way. You breathed heavily and gagged as you lost last night's dinner and dessert.

It took everything for Blaytz not to gag too loudly as you threw up. He gently rubbed your back in slow, soothing circles in hopes of comforting you. He wasn't expecting your morning sickness to be as bad as it was. Thankfully, the previous night he put a glass of water on the bathroom counter and had a washcloth sitting next to it.

"It seems like our little trouble maker didn't like last night's dinner and dessert." Blaytz said, trying to distract himself from thinking about you getting sick.

You managed to roll your eyes as you heavily got sick. Your throat burned throughout the entire process. Eventually, you finished getting sick and Blaytz got the washcloth damp. He wiped your lower face off, helped you wash your mouth out and flushed the toilet.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this." Blaytz said as he picked you up bridal style.

"This is all your fault." You mumbled sleepily.

"I know." Blaytz said, knowing that this would all be worth it.

You quietly groaned, your whole body still sore after getting sick. As soon as you and Blaytz were back in bed he cuddled with you in hopes that it would help you feel better. He knew that your morning sickness was far from over, but no matter how bad it got he would be there for you.


~ Gyrgan ~

Once again you had to wake up super early due to morning sickness. As usual, Gyrgan carried you to the bathroom, turned the light on and set you down in front of the open toilet. This morning however you seemed to only be dry heaving.

"There, there, don't force it. Just let it go naturally." Gyrgan said softly as he gently held your hair out of the way.

You choked and gagged as you knelt in front of the toilet, waiting for something to come back up. Your throat burned despite nothing coming up. You panted heavily as you dry heaved. Eventually, your stomach settled down enough for you to stop gagging. Gyrgan let go of your hair, stood up and filled a cup with water.

"Here, drink this." Gyrgan said, helping you slowly drink the water.

"Thanks." You croaked out before sipping the water.

Gyrgan was worried about you, but he knew that morning sickness was just a part of pregnancy. As soon as you were finished drinking he put the cup back on the bathroom counter, picked you up bridal style, turned the bathroom light off and carried you back to bed.

"Are you alright now?" Gyrgan quietly asked you once you both were back in bed.

"I'll live, I'm just a little sore." You mumbled, yawning a little.

"I hope you feel better soon." Gyrgan whispered, sleep taking over.

You cuddled up to him before falling asleep. Gyrgan gently wrapped his arms around you and quickly fell asleep, too. You were kind of thankful that nothing came up this time, but it wasn't any less painful.


~ Trigel ~

Like clockwork you were up at the same time during early morning throwing up, except you didn't make it to the bathroom. Instead, Trigel had a bin on your side of the bed that you could grab. Trigel held your hair out of your face as you tossed last night's dinner. Trigel hated seeing you sick and wished that she could ease it. You breathed and gagged heavily as everything came out.

"Better out than in." Trigel said as your morning sickness eased up.

You continued to cough and gag a little as you finally stopped. You had tears in your eyes after the awful morning sickness. Trigel wiped your lower face off with a cloth and handed you a cup of water. You took the cup of water and rinsed your mouth out a few times until it was clean. Trigel took the bin, the cup and the cloth to the bathroom to wash them out.

As you laid back down you heard water running and the toilet flushing. A few moments later Trigel came back and carefully got back into bed. She gently cuddled with you, hoping that it would help you feel better.

"Are you alright?" Trigel softly asked you.

"No, my throat burns and my stomach still hurts a little." You told her.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." Trigel said, lightly kissing your forehead.

You quietly sighed out a yawn before falling asleep again. Trigel fell asleep too, making a mental note to get you something to help your throat feel better later on.

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