Separation anxiety

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~ Zarkon ~

Now that Gatrea was one year old you and Zarkon decided that it was time to hire a Dayak. You both eventually found one who wasn't so strict. Since you and Zarkon hadn't gone out alone together very often after becoming parents, he was finally taking you out to dinner at one of Daibazaal's finest restaurants. The Dayak would be taking care of Gatrea for the evening, but unfortunately when Gatrea realized that you both were going away for the evening, she suddenly got super clingy.

"Come on Gatrea, please stop crying." You pleaded as you tried putting your daughter in her playpen, only to have her grip one of your arms tightly.

Gatrea let out an angry shriek as she held onto your arm, not wanting to let go. She thought that you and Zarkon were leaving her and never coming back. In her mind, if she went with you both, the two of you would never disappear.

"Can you please help me get Gatrea off of my arm?" You asked your husband, trying your best not to accidentally drop your daughter.

"I'll try." Zarkon answered, kneeling down and reaching out towards Gatrea.

When Gatrea saw Zarkon reaching for her she hissed angrily, fat tears streaming down her face as she cried. It broke your heart to see your daughter so upset, but both you and Zarkon needed her to learn that you both weren't leaving forever. Zarkon eventually carefully pried Gatrea off of your arm and put her in the playpen that was set up near the tv stand.

"We're sorry, Gatrea. Your mother and I are just going out for a few hours. We promise that we'll be back." Zarkon assured Gatrea softly, feeling guilty for making her cry harder than before.

"Momma! Papa!" Gatrea sobbed loudly as she sat on the floor and made grabby hands as she reached up for either you or Zarkon.

"Aw, baby, we promise to come home." You told Gatrea as you knelt down a little and reached over the playpen, softly wiping her tears away.

Gatrea sniffled as you wiped her tears away, feeling a little better with the sudden soft physical contact. A minute or so later you stood back up, looking down at your daughter as she looked up at you. It made you feel even more guilty as she wiped her own tears away with her chubby little hands. You and Zarkon said one last goodbye and Dayak reassured you both that she would be alright before the two of you left. Separation anxiety was common for babies, but it didn't make you feel any better about the whole situation; you still enjoyed your evening out with your husband, though.


~ Alfor ~

One afternoon while Alfor and Lotarius were having some father-son bonding time in the Juniberry fields, Alfor got a notification on his holopad from the other Paladins. Voltron was needed, so unfortunately Alfor had to go. He brought Lotarius back to the Castle so that you could take care of him. Lotarius was confused about why his father was bringing him back inside on such a nice day.

"I'm in need of your assistance, my princess. I know that I promised you that I would spend the day with our son, but the other Paladins need me." Alfor apologized to you once he made it to the living room, sitting next to you on the couch.

"It's okay, I understand. Go save the universe, my handsome Paladin." You replied fondly, putting your phone down on the coffee table.

Lotarius was even more confused than before; he was still too young to understand where his father was going and what he was going to do, but he understood that he was leaving. He whined in displeasure when his father tried sitting him down on the couch.

"Let go of me, Lotarius, I have to go save the universe." Alfor told his son calmly, trying to pry him off of his shirt.

"P-papa." Lotarius sniffled, beginning to cry.

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