When your baby rolls over for the first time

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~ Zarkon ~

When Gatrea started trying to roll over on her own, you and Zarkon kept an eye on her. Unfortunately, Zarkon had his duties to do everyday, which meant that he couldn't be around all the time. One evening while you were waiting for Zarkon to come back to the Palace you were with Gatrea in the nursery. As usual, Gatrea was trying to roll over onto her stomach.

"Hold on Gatrea, your father will be home soon." You told your daughter, hoping that she wouldn't roll over until Zarkon got home.

Gatrea babbled happily as she kept pushing and shifting her body with her right leg and arm. She didn't know why you were trying to make her wait. So, right before Zarkon entered the nursery, Gatrea rolled over onto her stomach. You praised her, smiling and cooing.

"Hello kitten, what's going on in here?" Zarkon asked as he walked into the nursery and sat next to you on the floor.

"Gatrea rolled onto her stomach all on her own." You told your husband with excitement.

"She did? And I missed it?" Zarkon asked, looking from you to Gatrea.

"Yeah, you did." You said awkwardly, hoping that he didn't mind missing out.

"Good job, Gatrea." Zarkon said as he looked down at his daughter, smiling and praising her.

Gatrea squealed while giggling happily, rolling back onto her back and reaching up towards her father. Zarkon carefully picked Gatrea up and cradled her in his arms. You cuddled up to your husband, smiling and cooing to your daughter.


~ Alfor ~

After Alfor came home after being gone for a few days with the other Paladins all he wanted to do was spend some family time with you and Lotarius. While he was away Lotarius had been trying to roll over, but he wasn't successful yet. So as you, Alfor and Lotarius sat on you and Alfor's bed Lotarius tried rolling onto his stomach.

"I see that he's trying to roll over again." Alfor said, smiling as he watched Lotarius try to roll over.

"Yeah, he's been trying for days. He'll eventually figure it out." You said, kissing your husband on the cheek.

Lotarius kept pushing with his right arm and leg while wiggling his body, wanting to roll over onto his stomach. You and Alfor just watched, waiting to see if he was going to be successful or not. And with one mighty push, Lotarius was on his stomach.

"Good job, Lotarius." You said in excitement, praising your son.

"You did so well." Alfor said with pride, smiling at his and your son.

Lotarius smiled up at you and Alfor, happy that the two of you were happy and that he finally learned how to roll over. You leaned down and kissed Lotarius' forehead, causing him to giggle. Alfor was happy that he came home when he did, otherwise he would have missed one of Lotarius' milestones.


~ Blaytz ~

Recently Iris had been trying to roll over from her stomach and onto her back. You and Blaytz were always encouraging her to keep trying, but she hadn't quite figured it out yet. While you and Iris were having some play time in the nursery she started trying to roll over again, only this time she got closer to her goal.

"Blaytz! Quick, come here!" You called out to your husband who was in his and your bedroom, putting something away.

When Blaytz heard you call him from the nursery he dropped what he was doing and rushed in, thinking that something was wrong. To his relief, you were sitting on the floor while Iris was laying on her stomach.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Is Iris okay?" Blaytz asked, quickly sitting next to you on the floor.

"We're fine, but Iris is going to roll over… I think." You told him, keeping your eyes on your daughter.

Iris whined as she tried pushing herself with her left arm and leg, trying to lift her body. She still hated being on her tummy no matter how old she got. Iris let out a loud huff as she finally rolled over onto her back.

"She finally did it!" Blaytz announced happily, a huge smile on his face.

"You did it! Good job, Iris!" You cooed happily, picking Iris up and hugging her.

Blaytz joined in on the hug, telling Iris how proud of her he was. Iris giggled when he booped her nose. You knew that now that Iris knew how to roll over onto her back, she would be doing it a lot more in the near future. Although, perhaps someday she would roll onto her stomach.


~ Gyrgan ~

When you and Gyrgan woke up, walked into the nursery and turned the lights on you both saw that Adu was already awake. Adu babbled and cooed happily when he saw you both while laying on his stomach in the crib.

"Good morning, Adu." You said baby-talked while peering into the crib.

Adu looked up as Gyrgan stood next to you. He started wiggling around while pushing on his right arm and leg, attempting to roll over.

"Y/n, do you think he's going to roll over?" Gyrgan asked you curiously, hoping that Adu would roll over.

Right as you were going to say something, Adu rolled over onto his back, grabbing his foot and bringing it to his mouth, sucking on it. He smiled while sucking on his toes, happy that you and his father were happy, although he didn't exactly know why you and Gyrgan were so happy.

"Adu, you rolled over!" Gyrgan said, both in shock and in pride.

"Good job, Adu!" You said happily, picking him up and giving him a tickle.

Adu giggled happily as you lightly tickled him, a toothless smile on his face. You and Gyrgan were over the moon with happiness; Adu could roll over all by himself now. You were so happy that the two of you could see one of Adu's milestones together.


~ Trigel ~

While Trigel was out doing something in the kingdom you were out in the garden with Astrid, sitting on a large blanket. Astrid was laying on her back while playing with one of her toys. You were waiting for Trigel to come home, a picnic lunch waiting in the basket. When Astrid got tired of playing with her toy she put it on the blanket and tried rolling over again, but this time she was successful as she rolled over onto her stomach.

"Trigel!" You called out when you saw your beautiful wife coming, excited to tell her what happened.

"How's it going?" Trigel softly asked as she sat next to you on the blanket after walking across the garden.

"Astrid rolled over." You told her, an excited smile on your face.

"She did?" Trigel asked, her gaze falling to where Astrid was laying.

Astrid wanted to be closer to Trigel, so she rolled over onto her back and reached her arms up, making grabby hands. You and Trigel praised her, proud of her for rolling over all on her own. You were happy that Trigel came home when she did, otherwise she would have missed an important moment in her and your daughter's life.

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