~ Zarkon ~
Shortly after Gatrea fell asleep, she started dreaming as usual. However, the dream she was having quickly turned dark and scary. She groaned in her sleep, tossing and turning in her bed. She panted heavily when she woke up, sitting straight up in her toddler bed and looking around her bedroom. The dim nightlight was enough to allow her to see her surroundings, but it wasn’t enough. Getting out of bed, Gatrea left her bedroom and walked to the living room where she knew you and Zarkon were.
"Momma. Papa." Gatrea mumbled sleepily as she walked into the living room and seeing that you and her father were still awake.
"What are you doing up out of bed?" Zarkon calmly asked his daughter, pausing the movie he had been watching with you.
"I had a nightmare." Gatrea answered, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"Aww, come here, baby." You said sympathetically, scooting away from your husband a little.
Gatrea let out another big yawn before she walked over to the couch. Zarkon helped her climb on, offering one of his hands for her to hold onto. Gatrea nestled herself in between you and Zarkon, feeling a little better.
"Can I stay with you and papa?" Gatrea asked you groggily, gazing up at you.
"Yes, you can stay with us; at least until you fall asleep again." You softly told your daughter, wrapping an arm around her.
"No nightmares would dare enter your mind while your mother and I are here with you." Zarkon quietly assured his daughter, not wanting her to lose any sleep.
Gatrea smiled as she laid her head on your lap, letting out a deep sigh. You soothingly ran your fingers through her hair, something that always calmed her down. Eventually Gatrea fell asleep, but you ended up falling asleep with her. Zarkon decided to stop the movie and turn the tv off, deciding that it was time for bed. He was careful when picking you and Gatrea up, not wanting to wake either of you up as he carried you and your daughter to his and your bedroom; he didn't mind if Gatrea slept in between you and him for the night.
~ Alfor ~
As Lotarius slept peacefully in his bed he was dreaming about flying the Red Lion. His dream started out wonderful, but it quickly turned scary when he dreamed that he was fighting some kind of shadow monster that was trying to attack Altea. He immediately woke up when the monster killed you and his father, sitting up and looking around. Feeling scared, he got out of bed, left his room and ran to you and his father's bedroom, happy to see that the door was wide open. The lights were all off, and you and Alfor were sleeping, but he climbed onto and across the bed, laying in between you and Alfor.
"Stop moving around, my handsome Paladin." You quietly mumbled when you felt movement on the bed, thinking that it was your husband.
"Momma?" Lotarius quietly asked, sniffling and rubbing his tears away.
You opened your eyes when you heard your son's voice instead of your husband's, turning over and turning your bedside lamp on. You sat up, opening your arms and letting Lotarius hug you.
"What's wrong, Y/n?" Alfor questioned groggily as he woke up a little, hearing voices and sensing the light.
"I had a nightmare." Lotarius answered before you could say anything, burying his face against your chest, still frightened by his nightmare.
"What was it about?" You quietly asked Lotarius, trying to comfort him.
Lotarius looked up at you and told you all about his nightmare. Unable to sleep, Alfor sat up a little and listened as his son spoke. You never stopped hugging your son as he told you about how the shadow monster in his nightmare killed you and Alfor.

Paladins Parent Scenarios
RomanceWell, here it is. The sequel of my Paladins Dating Scenarios. If you haven't read the first book yet, then I suggest reading it before you read this. (June 16 2021 - June 22nd 2022) IMPORTANT NOTE!: You're only in a relationship with ONE character...