~ Zarkon ~
You were now twenty weeks pregnant, so now you were finally able to find out what gender your baby was. You and Zarkon went to Haggar to find out. As you laid on the padded examination table Zarkon let you hold one of your hands.
"The child appears to be very healthy." Haggar said as she moved something similar to a transducer over your now larger baby bump.
"Are you able to tell what the gender is?" Zarkon asked her curiously.
Haggar moved the transducer over your belly, trying to see what your baby's gender was. She looked at the holoscreen closer when she found what she was looking for.
"Well?" You asked her nervously.
"It appears to possibly be a girl." Haggar replied, trying to get a better look.
"Possibly?" Zarkon asked skeptically.
"Yes, it's definitely a girl." Haggar finally announced once she got a clear view of what she was looking for on the screen.
"Yes!" You said happily.
"I'm- we're going to have a little Princess." Zarkon said, a big smile on his face.
Haggar smiled as she confirmed the gender again. After you and Zarkon left Haggar's office you both went to go start planning. Neither of you could wait to finally meet your daughter.
~ Alfor ~
As soon as you were about twenty weeks pregnant you and Alfor went back to the royal doctor. You and Alfor were excited to find out the gender of your baby. You were holding one of Alfor's hands as the doctor checked on your baby.
"The baby looks healthy." The doctor said as she used her magic to check the baby.
"Can you see the gender?" You asked her curiously.
"Let me see… Ah, here we go. It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed happily.
"A boy?!" You asked as you smiled.
"We're going to have a son!" Alfor said with excitement.
Everyone in the room was all smiles. Once your ultrasound was done you and Alfor went to go tell Coran and Melenor the good news.
~ Blaytz ~
Now that you were roughly twenty weeks you were able to find out the gender of your baby. You and Blaytz went to the doctor where the big reveal would happen. As you laid on the padded examination table the doctor ran something similar to a transducer over your belly.
"Well?" You asked the doctor.
"They- Oh, she's healthy." The doctor said, seeing the gender on the monitor.
"She? A Princess?" Blaytz asked, feeling slightly emotional as he looked at the monitor.
"She's going to be perfect." You said, looking up at Blaytz.
"Yeah, she will." Blaytz said as he looked down at you.
"Yes, it's a girl. Congratulations you two." The doctor said as she double checked to make sure the baby was healthy.
You and Blaytz couldn't have been happier knowing that you both would soon have your very own little girl to spoil. The doctor sent a few still pictures to Blaytz' personal holopad. After the ultrasound was done you and Blaytz went to go relax in his and your bedroom.
~ Gyrgan ~
When you were finally twenty weeks into your pregnancy you and Gyrgan went to the royal doctor for another ultrasound. For the past several weeks you both had been arguing on what gender your baby was going to be. You thought you were having a boy, but Gyrgan was sure that you were going to have a girl. So as you laid on the padded examination table you and Gyrgan looked at the image on the holoscreen.
"The baby looks perfectly healthy, but they seem a bit big considering that you're only twenty weeks." The doctor told you.
"Will there be any complications during the birth?" You asked the doctor nervously.
"It depends. It's still too early to tell, but judging by how the baby's growing you're going to need a C-section." The doctor said, trying to tell you without scaring you.
"Great." You muttered.
"What's the gender?" Gyrgan asked the doctor.
"Let me see now… Okay, so it looks like you both are having a boy." The doctor said, moving the transducer-like thing around your bump a little before finally seeing the gender of your baby.
"Yes, I knew it! Mother's intuition is always right!" You said triumphantly.l
"Well, that was unexpected…" Gyrgan said awkwardly.
You and Gyrgan talked with the doctor for a while longer before you both could go back to the main lounge to rest for a while. Gyrgan was a little disappointed that you weren't having a girl, but he was still happy with a boy. Perhaps you both could have a girl in the future.
~ Trigel ~
When you were twenty weeks pregnant you and Trigel were more than ready to find out the gender of your baby. You both went to the doctor and before you knew it you found yourself laying on a padded examination table while the doctor checked on your baby. You held Trigel's hand as you both stared at the holoscreen.
"The baby is looking very healthy so far. And… Let's see now… It's a girl." The doctor said as she moved the transducer-like device over your bump until she could see your baby's gender on the holoscreen.
"I saw it coming." You commented.
"So did I." Trigel said, agreeing with you.
The doctor smiled, knowing that the soon to be Princess was going to be well taken care of. Once the ultrasound was done you and Trigel went to go have lunch in the palace garden. You both could barely wait to have an adorable little Princess to take care of.

Paladins Parent Scenarios
RomanceWell, here it is. The sequel of my Paladins Dating Scenarios. If you haven't read the first book yet, then I suggest reading it before you read this. (June 16 2021 - June 22nd 2022) IMPORTANT NOTE!: You're only in a relationship with ONE character...