When your baby smiles for the first time

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~ Zarkon ~

"Come on Gatrea, smile~." Zarkon said as held his and your daughter while sitting on one of the couches in the private lounge.

Gatrea was now just a few days over two months old, which meant that she was old enough to start smiling. Zarkon wanted to be the one who got her to smile, but so far his plan was a major failure. Gatrea's bottom lip trembled a little since she was on the verge of crying.

"What's going on?" You asked, walking into the room and sitting next to your large husband.

"I'm trying to get Gatrea to smile, but so far she looks like she's going to cry." Zarkon told you, frowning.

"Let me see her." You said, picking up Gatrea and holding her in your arms.

Zarkon handed Gatrea to you, watching as her bottom lip stopped trembling. You left butterfly kisses all over Gatrea's face. You moved your face away from hers after a few seconds, seeing her toothless smile.

"How? How were you able to get her to smile?" Zarkon asked in frustration.

"I'm her mother." You said seriously.

"So? I'm her father." Zarkon huffed, crossing his arms.

Gatrea looked at her father and smiled, thinking that his childish behavior was funny. You snorted out a laugh, leaning against Zarkon. Zarkon wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your forehead, seeing that Gatrea was smiling at him.


~ Alfor ~

When Lotarius turned two months old you and Alfor patiently awaited his first smile. One evening while the three of you were in the nursery you were getting Lotarius ready for bed, Alfor was holding a plushie version of Clanmurel up for him to see.

"What are you doing?" You asked Alfor curiously, turning to face him while holding your adorable baby boy.

"I'm trying to get Lotarius to smile." Alfor said, still holding up the Clanmurel plushie.

Lotarius could see what his father was holding now that you were turned around. He smiled when he saw the Clanmurel plushie, wanting it. You were a little surprised at how easy it was to get Lotarius to smile for the first time.

"Awww!" You said, smiling as Lotarius smiled.

"I knew that I could get him to smile." Alfor said happily.

You gave Lotarius a hug before handing him to Alfor. You were definitely going to be taking cute pictures of him smiling. Alfor was just as happy as you were about Lotarius smiling for the first time.


~ Blaytz ~

As soon as Iris turned two months old Blaytz wanted to get her to smile. She was already cooing, but he wanted her to smile. So, one afternoon he was sitting in the chair in the nursery, cradling Iris in his arms.

"Come on little cutie, give daddy a smile." Blaytz said, baby talking to her.

Iris looked up at him in confusion, focusing on his feelers. Blaytz was patient with her, knowing that it would take her a while to learn how to smile. He wiggled his feelers around a little, noticing how she was looking at them. Iris smiled when she saw her father's feelers wiggling around on his head.

"Aww, you smiled! You're so cute, little cutie! Yes you are! Daddy wuvs you so much!" Blaytz said happily, hugging Iris against his chest.

"What's going on in here?" You asked, interrupting the daddy/daughter bonding moment and leaning against the doorway.

"Y/n, Iris smiled!" Blaytz said, smiling as he looked at you.

"She did?" You asked, quickly walking across the nursery.

Blaytz held Iris normally so that you could see her. Iris gazed up at you, smiling as she reached her arms up towards you. Blaytz handed Iris to you since she wanted you to hold her. You picked her up, kissing her forehead right above her feelers. Blaytz was so happy that he finally got Iris to smile for the first time.


~ Gyrgan ~

It was almost lunch time and you were waiting for Gyrgan in the private lounge. You were cradling Adu in your arms while reading him a story that had plenty of pictures. As you were reading a certain part of the story Adu smiled. When Gyrgan walked into the room he saw that you were reading a story to Adu.

"Having story time without me?" Gyrgan asked as he sat next to you.

"Yeah, we are. And look, Adu's smiling." You said happily, lowering the book.

"So he is." Gyrgan said, holding his hands out.

"He loves story time, you should read him one before bed." You said as you handed Adu to him.

"I think I will." Gyrgan said, smiling as he gently held his son.

You closed the book and put it on the end table, finally able to rest your arms. You had been holding Adu for a while, so your arms were a little sore. Gyrgan smiled at Adu who smiled at him. 


~ Trigel ~

"Where's Astrid? There she is!" You said with excitement as you held a cloth in front of your face before dropping it.

At the moment you were trying to get Astrid to smile for the first time, so you decided to play peek-a-boo with her in the private lounge. Trigel was sitting next to you, reading something. You had been at it for a few minutes, and so far it was a roaring success. Astrid was finally smiling.

"Any luck?" Trigel asked as she set her holopad down.

"Yeah, look. Astrid's smiling." You said happily, looking at her.

"So you have. Her smile is adorable." Trigel said, a smile appearing on her face.

Astrid looked up at Trigel and smiled a toothless smile, making you both proud. You leaned against Trigel and she kissed your cheek. You quietly sighed happily, resting against your wife as she baby-talked to Astrid.

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