When they interact with your baby

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~ Zarkon ~

When your daughter started kicking more, Zarkon always wanted to feel her. It didn't matter what you were doing, he just wanted to feel her kick his hands. You just rolled your eyes and let him touch your belly whenever she kicked and he was home. And that's exactly what was happening now; he was on his knees, talking to your daughter.

"You're such a strong kicker, just like me. You're going to be daddy's little princess, aren't you? Aren't yo- Ow!" Zarkon yelped when he felt a harsh kick against his nose.

"You know, she probably doesn't like you crowding her so much." You said, crossing your arms over your chest.

"I suppose you're right. I can't help it, though." Zarkon said, standing up and smiling down at you.

"Now, if you don't mind, I need to pee since she's sitting on my bladder." You said, uncrossing your arms and walking into the bathroom that was connected to you and Zarkon's bedroom.

Zarkon watched as you walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind you. He went to go sit on the bed and wait for you to come out so that you both could go have breakfast in the dining room together.


~ Alfor ~

Lately you had been more tired, so you started taking naps in the middle of the day. Normally Alfor was either out doing Paladin stuff or his Kingly duties when you took your naps, but one afternoon he came to check on you. He smiled when he saw you taking a nap on his and your bed. He tiptoed over to the bed and lifted your shirt a little just to expose your belly.

"Hello my little prince, I'm your father. Your mother and I love you very much. I can't wait to take you for rides in Red." Alfor whispered to your son.

Your son shifted around inside of you, causing you to shift in your sleep. Alfor put your shirt back and almost silently left the bedroom. Since he had to go take care of something with Coran in the village. Little did he know that you heard everything he said.


~ Blaytz ~

It was you and Blaytz' weekly movie night, so you both were watching a movie in the movie room. The two of you were seated in a comfortable loveseat while a bowl of popcorn was in between you both. Tonight you both were watching the most recent Pixar movie and you were engrossed in it. Blaytz kept glancing at you to see if you would glance back. He reached over and lightly poked your belly, causing your daughter to kick a little when she felt someone poke her home.

You felt a slight poking sensation on your belly followed by a light kick, but you didn't pay any attention to it. Blaytz smirked as he lightly poked your belly but in a different place then watched as your daughter kicked where he poked. He did it a few more times, watching as your daughter kicked out in different places. However, you were getting annoyed and lightly slapped his hand when he went to poke you again.

"Ouch." Blaytz said as you lightly slapped his hand.

"Stop poking me." You said seriously.

"Or what?" Blaytz asked, smirking at you.

"Or else I'm not going to help you when you get 'excited' next time." You said sternly.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." Blaytz said, keeping his hands to himself.

You rolled your eyes playfully as you went to grab a handful of popcorn and stuff it in your mouth. You tried not to make too much noise as you chewed the popcorn, savoring its buttery flavor. Blaytz decided to just wrap an arm around your shoulders since he still wanted to touch you in some way without you getting agitated.


~ Gyrgan ~

One morning while you were trying to get dressed Gyrgan was kneeling in front of you and watching as your son kept pushing outwards. Seeing something moving around inside of you was still a strange sight to him.

"Good morning son, are you having fun inside your mom. You know, your mom is a really nice lady and it hurts her when you kick and move around too hard." Gyrgan said to your belly, talking to your son.

"Do you mind, I'm getting dressed." You said, crossing your arms over your growing breasts.

"Sorry cupcake." Gyrgan said as he stood up, kissing you in the process.

Once you had room you put on a cute but comfortable outfit. Your son settled down inside of you, keeping his movement at a minimum. You felt less sore now that he had settled down, making you sigh in relief.


~ Trigel ~

After a long day you and Trigel were more than happy to finally go to bed. As usual, the two of you were cuddling together in your large, comfortable bed. Trigel had her hands on your belly, just resting them there. Your daughter started kicking up a storm, causing you to groan in pain.

"Owww." You moaned as your daughter pushed up against your guts.

"Is she hurting you, lovey?" Trigel asked you.

You missed your head, unable to answer. Trigel slid down the bed until her face was next to your extended belly. She whispered something in Dalterion, something that calmed your daughter down. Once your daughter stopped moving around Trigel slid back up the bed.

"Thanks, angel." You said, softly kissing her.

Trigel smiled as she deepened the kiss, cupping your face with her hands. You both spent a few minutes kissing each other, then breaking it and laying down. The two of you fell asleep within minutes, cuddling with each other.

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