Breaking up a fight

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~ Zarkon ~

During Zia and Krella's most recent birthday, you and Zarkon gave them each a new doll. Krella and Zia loved their new dolls since their dolls were also twins, just like them. Kuhuv was a little jealous that her sisters got new dolls; she really wanted to play with them, but she didn't think that either of her sisters would let her play with them since she was two years younger. Being only five years old, it didn't occur to Kuhuv that she could have just asked one of her older sisters if she could play with one of the dolls. So, one day when Krella was playing with her new doll in the playroom, Kuhuv ran in, took the doll and ran out again.

"Hey, get back here you little thief!" Krella yelled when Kuhuv took her doll, standing up before she started running after the doll thief.

Kuhuv ran as fast as she could through the hallways, taking left and right turns when necessary. Krella was practically on her younger sister's heels; she was surprised at how fast a five year old could run. After running past the living room and seeing you and Zarkon, Krella decided to do the mature thing and tell you and her father what happened.

"Mooommm, Kuhuv took my new doll." Krella called out right before walking into the living room, her legs feeling a little tired after running so fast.

"Hold on. Kuhuv, get in here now!" You sighed when you looked at one of your twins before calling out for Kuhuv.

Kuhuv heard you call out for her, so she stopped running and walked into the living room. She didn't know what you wanted, so she hid Krella's doll behind her back. When she saw Krella glaring at her as she walked into the living room, she smirked evilly. Zarkon decided not to get involved unless things got serious.

"Yes, mommy?" Kuhuv asked you innocently, smirking as she glanced at her older sister.

"Do you have Krella's doll, Kuhuv?" You questioned in a slightly firm tone, wanting to get to the bottom of things.

"No." Kuhuv answered in a simple tone, her smirk disappearing as she looked at you.

"Yes you do!" Krella accused angrily, wanting her doll back.

"No I don't." Kuhuv argued, sending her older sister a slight glare.

"Yes you do! You're hiding her behind your back!" Krella argued back, a growl making its way up her throat.

"That's enough, you two! Kuhuv, give Krella's doll back to her." Zarkon snapped, not wanting two of his and your daughters to get into a physical fight.

Krella and Kuhuv looked at their father, neither of them saying anything when they saw the serious look on his face. A deep growl rumbled in the back of Zarkon's throat; it wasn't enough to scare them, but it was enough to warn them not to continue arguing.

"Fine, here's your stupid doll." Kuhuv sighed before she threw the doll at Krella who caught the toy.

"Thanks for getting my doll back, mom and daddy." Krella thanked you and her father happily, turning around and walking out of the living room; she knew that she wouldn't be blamed for the whole situation.

Kuhuv looked down at the floor, knowing that she was going to be in trouble for taking Krella's doll. You and Zarkon looked at each other for a moment, whispering to each other. Compromises could always be made between Krella and Kuhuv later, but for now, Kuhuv was in trouble.

"Now, before you go sit in the time out corner, why did you take Krella's doll?" You asked Kuhuv in a firmer tone than earlier, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Because I-" Kuhuv began to say before she was cut off by her father.

"Don't say because you wanted to, young lady!" Zarkon spoke firmly as he cut his daughter off, not wanting to hear any excuses.

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