She's all Yours

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"Alrite guys, welcome back to another exciting episode of bwoy a tingz podcast, my name is Kareem bwoy a tingz"

echoes throughout my bedroom as I turn on my favorite podcast to keep me companied while I pack. On a somewhat impulse thought I decided a few weeks ago it was time for a new start and bought a one way ticket to florida. I had little money and no place to stay but like I said it was an impulsive decision and we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

As I placed my last piece of clothing in my suitcase I looked around my apartment, a part of me was slowly starting to second guess my decision but I knew this move would be the step that would change my life forever, I was ready to start pursuing my real goals and not the plans others had for my life especially after everything that happened recently.

My ambition has always been to own and operate my own skin and hair care business and I was confident the US would be the place to help me with that.


Bleep bleep beep!

My alarm plague the silence in my bedroom and I jolted from my slumber, I had exactly one hour to get my bags and get to the airport. I got out of bed and set my outfit out, I decided on comfort over style and chose a sweatpants, a graphic tee, socks and my crocs, I took a shower ,brushed my teeth and undid my twist out before requesting my Uber. When I got to the airport I still had time left before check in so I grabbed breakfast from Island grill, took a few pictures and then waited on my flight number to be called.

After check in and about two hours of flying I arrived at the Tampa international Airport.

I was now in the US with no place to stay so I quickly scanned the Air BNB app searching for affordable and available villas. I settled on a studio apartment in Seminole Heights and awaited confirmation from the host

But I still had so much to get done including finding a job , I then remembered an app that I saw on tik tok and had downloaded earlier. The app is called Task Master and its pretty self explanatory, it assigns Task based on your location and once the task is completed you're compensated through the PayPal app, Tasks ranged from something simple like walking someone's dog to washing their car, grocery shopping, babysitting, being a personal assistant and so on.

After a smooth thirty minutes drive I arrived at my villa, tired, discouraged and overwhelmed, I needed some advice and I knew exactly who to call..

"Heyyyyyy Shan!!!" Belts through the other line of my phone as the brightest smile from my high school best friend Yanique appears.

"Hey love, just letting you know I landed safely"

"That's great, have you figured out your next step" She questions almost immediately.

Truthfully, Yanique wasn't all in on the idea of randomly moving to a another country without a solid plan even if it was temporarily but she knew how impulsive I was and that I would do it irregardless so she tried her best to be supportive.

We spoke a little about my villa and I reminded her I didn't plan to stay in the US long I just needed to Save money and get my business off the ground, we then spoke about her job, and just life in general.

Our conversation was interrupted abruptly with a loud thud from the backyard , Yanique joked that it was an alligator and I thought it was a harmless racoon. In an attempt to prove my point I wandered towards the backyard in the direction of the noise and that's when it happened...


What must've been a couple of hours later I woke up in what appeared to be the back of a van with three other young women, all of different races.

The van came to a stop and two avergae height,, muscular men unlocked the doors revealing we were now in a partially dilapidated building. The men dragged us up a stairway where we could hear an angry woman screaming from a room at the end of the hall, It didn't take long from me to figure out she was the one in charge

"No, No, No! None of these women fit the description, you can't send a man to do a woman's job......assholes!!!!" She shrieked

Once we arrived at the room she bustled towards us and instantly began a full body scan with her eyes.

"Finally, Fi-nal-ly, This is her" she rejoiced pointing directly at me

I wasn't oblivious to the world we live in, I knew exactly what was happening, I had just been abducted and was up for sale on the black market.

Jesus! Pilot my life!

The more robust gentleman took me to a room in the back of the building where other women were chained to old hospital beds, he handcuffed me to one and then taped my mouth.

There was a pale, tall, blonde on the bed adjacent to mine, she was extremely beautiful but barely conscious.

I spent that first night trying my hardest to loosen my cuffs but the most I could do was remove the tape from my mouth, that was no use. I knew that screaming for help from the extreme back of a building filled with armed criminals would cause more harm than help so instead, I prayed for God to give me a way out.

The next morning a woman came and unlocked my cuffs, she showed me a gun and instructed

" Run, you die, try to fight me, you die, leave any clues, you die, Bathroom's through there, go take a shower you"

The bathroom was in a deplorable condition, it had what appeared to be stained bodily fluids on the wall, there was barely any water coming from the pipes and the floor of the shower was muddy and pigmented.

I couldn't shower in a condition like this, I stood in there with the water barely running, and after about a minute or less the woman returned, she took me to another room and to another woman who got me dressed. Afterward, I was again handcuffed and placed in the back of a town car, we drove for what felt like an eternity, and all I could hear was the rumbling sounds echoing from my stomach, I hadn't eaten anything solid the day before and they didn't even care to feed me.

I soon fell asleep.

When I woke up we were still driving but something felt different, I felt like I had been moved like this wasn't the car from before, we drove out to a brownstone in the countryside far off the road and away from any other houses, as the car pulls into the driveway a large and extremely muscular man exited the house, he came down and shook hands with the woman in charge then handed her an envelope and she handed him a pouch and told him

"she's all yours, pleasure doing business with you"

before returning to her car and driving off into the dusk.

What's about to happen?


Hey Dolls and Donssss, how did I do for the first chapter?! Let me know!! Please like, comment and vote, Thank you so much for reading.

Truly yours,

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