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"Good Morning"

A soothing voice and sweet aroma pulls me from my slumber, I ajared me eyes to see Daniel standing over me with breakfast. For a quick second I appreciated the gesture, I had only been brought breakfast in bed a handful of times on special occasions by my ex.

"Miss Clarita made breakfast, I thought you'd like it in bed"

I sat up before reaching over and collecting the tray, it had scrambled eggs, French toast, a few fruits and a cup of coffee. I began indulging right away.

"You're welcome"

I didn't pay Daniel any attention, I focused on my food. He left the room shortly after.

Following my breakfast I took the tray downstairs to the kitchen, there I found Ms Clarita sniffling.

"Hey Ms C..are you okay?"

She hurriedly wiped her tears and turned to face me

"I am, thank you very much Miss Shanice "

"Are you sure? can tell me Miss C"

"It's my husband, he lives back home in Puerto Rico, he has fallen ill, the doctors are afraid there's nothing more they can do, I need to be with him bu- but...Mr Aubry won't allow me and I cannot lose my job"

"Whaaaat? Is he for real?"

This man knows exactly how to get on my nerves!" It didn't matter how much he tried to convince me otherwise his actions would always expose his true character, I slammed the tray on the counter out of anger

"Everything will be alright miss c...I got you"I comforted Miss Clarita before stamping upstairs to find Daniel

He wasn't in the bedroom and without thinking I marched over to the bathroom and flung the door open, he was standing naked before the mirror, I think he may've been checking out himself out but I didn't blame him one bit, his muscular body was so perfectly sculpted, and the sunlight glistened off his abs!...focus!..focus Shanice!...why are you here?

"Are you kidding me??" I barely vocalize, my throat had grown dry from the intoxicating view before me

"What are you talking about Shanice?"

"I thought you weren't a slave owner?"

"This again?"

"Yes this again, Miss Clarita's husband is sick, possibly dying and you won't allow her to go see him? Do you even have a heart?"

"I do, Its very unfortunate but I denied her request because I thought you'd appreciate someone to prepare-"

"Me? What do I have to do with her being here?"
He had a funny way of blaming his poor decisions on me, I knew his type all too well and I wasn't about to let this happen again

"Stop assuming shit about're the reason, you didn't approve her request!!

You're going to go downstairs and tell her she can go and then you're going to write her a cheque to cover all her financial we have an understanding?"

"Why do you-"

"Just do it Daniel "

"You've never called me by my name before.."


Daniel wrapped his lower body in a towel he fetched from the rack and pass ed me downstairs to deliver the good news.

Later that Day

With Miss Clarita and Remi gone I assumed now was a better time than any to try my luck at escaping, I didn't care what Daniel had promised, he wasn't fooling me with this good guy act.
He was in room adjacent to ours, he had been in there for roughly an hour conducting business. I had to come up with a good plan, fast. I studied the room for a quick minute,....the bathroom. This is my way out. I tip toed into the bathroom and gently lift the toilet tank, on my way back I picked up a old fashioned glass Daniel had left on the night stand then smashed it on the floor. A loud crash echoed throughout the house the moment it touched the floor and I stood behind the door waiting for him to come and investigate what had happened, the instant he walked towards the broken glass I swung the tank at his head and without even looking to confirm he had fallen, I bolted down the stairs and out the door down the dust road.

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