An effective plan

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Shanice POV

The next morning , I got up at the crack of dawn and made breakfast for myself and Daniel as an apology. When I got to his room he was still asleep, he was naked from the chest down ...ugggh, that chest, I just wanted to prance onto him, I can't, he's a racist, he's a chauvinist.

I attempted to place the breakfast in his room without waking him but my efforts went futile, he was a light sleeper and the slightest shift in the room woke him.

"What are you doing?" He questioned in his deep, sleepy, sexy voice

"I made you an apology "

"Did you poison it?.."

"Where would I get poison?"

"Did know...I saw The Help"

"It's eggs and toast, I'm sure you'd notice if I did"

"I guess you're right...Thank you"


I accomplished  what I came here to do, there was no other reason keeping me here and I was afraid of what would happen if I stayed in this room any longer with him looking so scrumptious. I tried to leave but he stopped me

"So why the sudden apology?"

"Truthfully? I don't want to be a sex slave, I can't imagine what my life would be like if you sent me back...actually I can imagine....and that's what scares me"

"I'm sorry I scared you, I would never send you back"

"Well, thank you either way"

"Are we cool now?"

"We're cool"

"No more stabbing me? Hitting me over the head,  running off?"

"No more abuse, I promise"


"Yea, by the way, I got the new clothes,  thank you"

"I'm sorry he couldn't get all your hair products, just the shampoo and conditioners"

"That's fine, I'll just make them myself"

"You make hair products?"

"I do, I can. I'll just write a list of stuff and .."

"I'll get them..."

"Ok. Do you mind if I go for a run in the backyard? "

"Can I join you?"

I really wanted to enjoy my run alone, peacefully. I wanted to clear my mind, arrange my thoughts but I was trying to be on Daniel's good side

"Of course"

The run was pretty quite.

Thank God!

We barely spoke, he asked if I was an outdoorsy person and that was about it.

After the run I made my list of things that I needed at the farmers market and  Daniel was off somewhere on his phone again. Once Daniel re-entered the room I handed him my list

"He should be able to get these at the farmers market no problem "

Daniel took the list and scanned it with his eyes then read a portion of the ingredients aloud

Aloe Vera
Goat milk
Shea butter
Coconut oil

"Are you sure you're making hair products?"

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