and me, you'll always have me

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"Wow, you look- Daniel stutters as I walk through the door of his penthouse

"Beautiful?" I helped

"I'm not even sure that's the word"

"You're always so extra" I replied. I wasn't used to being complimented like this and a small part of me did think he was still playing me so he was overselling it

"How was your day?" He asked pulling me from my wild thoughts

"Great actually, I mean minus me being bombarded in the hair salon.."

"Bombarded how?" He demanded with his facial expression becoming more serious

"My stylist saw us out and asked about well... you, your money, you know, the works"

"I'm sorry that happened....
He consoled holding onto my hands.

"I ran you a bath" He continued

"You did?" I asked surprisingly, again something I'm not used to

That's so sweet of him

"Yeah, you can relax after a hard day's work "

"Thank you, you're so thoughtful"

He was, it was , even if it was just pretend

"Go ahead, I'll be up in a minute?"

Am I going to come home to this everyday?

I ascended the stairs and headed straight for the bathroom, testing the water before undressing and basking in the perfect ambiance. I used a towel to support my head putting my braids in a high bun. I could really get use to this.

Luke warm, is that okay?" Daniel's soothing voice diverts me from my meditation

"It's perfect actually"

Daniel got the rustic bench from the far right corner of the room and placed it beside the tub while I indulged in some chocolate and wine. I also got you take out from my favorite Italian restaurant, it should be here soon

"Why are you being so nice?"

I had to ask

"This is just who I am. How I am"


"Yes, you've been too busy knocking me out with bathroom fixtures to realize"

You should jo-"

"Delivery guy from Giuseppe at the door" his technology interrupts

"I'll be right back, don't move"

"Where am I gonna go"

Less than a minute later Daniel returns with Carbonara Pasta , Margherita Pizza, apple juice and the remainding of the wine.
He informs me of what he had ordered.

"Are you getting in ..?"

"Only if you want me to"

"I do,.... now hand me my plate"

While Daniel undressed I made conversation

"Did you speak with your dad today? is he?"

" I did and honestly, some days I don't even know if he's good or bad, all I know is he's alive and that's a good thing...right?" He asked with a depressed puppy look on his face

This dude is really tugging on my heart strings!

"It is. It's better to have a demented dad than a dead dad. Even if he can't remember these days you will and that matters "

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