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 The Next Day

10 am

I glanced at the time on my watch. I had a meeting scheduled with a salon owner to discuss the use of CC products. I was particularly excited because Mickayla's salon, nestled in the heart of the city, was a haven for women with type 4 hair - a sanctuary where coils, kinks, and curls were not only celebrated but lovingly nurtured.

As I stepped into the stylish salon, the bell above the door chimed softly, announcing my arrival. Mickayla had her in a wash-and-go style, her natural curls defined, bouncy, and healthy, i was greeted with a warm smile, and we exchanged pleasantries before settling into the lounge area of her salon.

A small sound system plays a curated mix of soul and Afrobeat music. Laughter and conversations flow freely among the stylists and clients. As clients wait for their appointments, they flip through magazines featuring the latest trends in natural hair care and beauty. The energy is contagious, and it's evident that the salon is more than just a place for hair maintenance - it's a cultural hub for self-expression and a celebration of Black beauty in all its forms. The atmosphere is electric with positivity, forming a sisterhood that extends beyond the salon chairs.

I admired the sleek decor of the salon, my eyes drifting to the array of hair products neatly displayed on the shelves.

"Can I get you anything?" asked Mickayla. "Coffee? Tea?"

"Tea, please," I replied.

As we sipped on fragrant herbal tea, Mickayla got straight to the point. "I've been hearing wonderful things about Curls and Cares, and I would love for us to collaborate. As you may know, my salon is focused on the proper care of black women's hair."

Being a Black woman herself, Mickayla understands the unique challenges and beauty of type 4 hair. Her journey into specializing in this hair type began with her struggles to embrace and care for her curls. Determined to make a change, she immersed herself in the world of natural hair care, attending workshops, and collaborating with other experts.

"So to have your products that work so well with hair texture like yours and mine will be a big deal for both of us."

"That sounds good... How did your salon get this popular?"

The salon was more than just a place for hairstyling; it was a space for empowerment and self-love. Mickayla often held workshops on natural hair care at the salon. She invited influential speakers from the community to share their wisdom. Mickayla believed that educating her clients about their hair was just as important as styling it.

A young woman named Tasha came to my salon feeling defeated after struggling with her natural hair for years. I listened to her story and understood the emotional weight of seeking self-acceptance. I shared my own experience, explained the beauty and versatility of type 4 hair, and then transformed Tasha's curls into a stunning afro that gave her confidence. Seeing her admire herself in the mirror with tears in her eyes, I knew that the true transformation wasn't just in the hairstyle but in Tasha's newfound self-love.

As my reputation grew, women from all different backgrounds came to me for help. My salon quickly became a place where the community gathered, creating a feeling of sisterhood and pride in natural beauty. My passion and hard work turned the salon into more than just a business; it became a movement that celebrated Black women and the unique beauty of their type 4 hair"

"Wow, that's truly inspiring. Incredible!"

"Thank you. I still pinch myself sometimes to make sure this is real.

"I want to do something like that with my products."

"You should. Can you tell me more about your products?"

"Curls and Care is a hair and skincare brand. The formulas for each are enriched with natural and organic everyday ingredients that you'll find around your house. Our products promote healthy hair and skin. I started making these products in my studio apartment in Jamaica, and now, here I am. The feedback from customers has been overwhelmingly positive."

"I believe there's great potential for Ebony Essence to both use and retail your products. This could be a mutually beneficial partnership."

"I'm glad to hear that! Would you mind sharing more about how our partnership would work?"

As Mickayla outlined the proposed partnership, highlighting the advantages for both parties, I listened attentively. She suggested that her salon would have privileged access to the new product line before its release, and in return, my brand would gain exposure and credibility through the Ebony Essence.

"That's amazing," I exclaimed.

The two of us brainstormed promotional events, devised marketing strategies, and seamlessly integrated my products with the salon's existing services.

"I have drafted the contract and can have my team send it over to your legal team for review," Mickayla offered.

"That sounds fantastic. I'll have them reach out to you, and we can hopefully get everything sorted by the time I fully relaunch CC. We can announce it at my relaunch event."

"That sounds perfect. Let's do it," I agreed eagerly.

We shook hands, sealing the deal with our shared vision for a successful partnership. As I left the salon, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to join forces with a businesswoman like Mickayla. I knew that our collaboration had the potential to elevate both of our ventures to new heights.

12 pm

"Hey, Daniel."

"Hi ladies, is Boss Lady back yet?"

"Yeah, she's in her office."

*knock knock*

"Come in."

"Hey, Mamaz."

"Hi Babe, are you ready for lunch?"

"Yeah, just let me get my bag then we can go."


At lunch:

"How was your meeting?"

"It went well. I'm really excited to be working with a powerhouse such as Mickayla. She's so incredible, and her story is inspiring. I hope to have the impact that she does one day."

"I'm happy you loved it. You know you're a powerhouse too, right?"


"You're doing a great job, and I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, baby."

"Mickayla did draft up a contract. I need your legal team to take a look at it before I sign off on anything. Do you think you can get me a meeting with them?"

"Of course. How does tomorrow sound?"

"Sounds like a plan."

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