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"So, how did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Get my entire family here?"

"There's this metal bird. It's called an airplane."

"Haha, not funny. My parents don't even have visas. How did you get them here?"

"I have my ways."

"So, you're just not gonna tell me?"

"I'm a man of many mysteries."

"Hmm, I hear you."

"I'm seriously so proud of you, you know that right?"

"Yes, you've told me one, two, like ten million times."

"Good, you had me amazed last night, seeing everything you've talked about coming to fruition. I'm so happy for you, baby. You did that, all by yourself."

"Your support and belief in me was my fuel. Thank you for believing in me."

"I got you, baby!"

As they leaned in, their eyes closed and their lips met in a sweet and lingering kiss.

"Babe," Daniel began, choosing his words carefully, "I've been thinking  since we got back from Jamaica. It wasn't the vacation we hoped for, and I think we need a redo "I was thinking," Daniel continued, "maybe we could take a weekend away. both families, one roof"

"Looking at Daniel, I saw the sincerity in his eyes. I knew this weekend could be an opportunity to mend what had been dented in Jamaica. "I think you're right," I admitted, a small smile playing on my lips. "We need a reset."

Daniel suggested, "My family owns a resort property on the beach, not too far from here. It's no Jamaica, but I think it'll do."

"Sounds like a plan, let's go tell everyone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... and you can even invite your sister?"

"I'm not so sure about that, but let's go."


As we pulled into the driveway of the amazing beach resort on that sunny Friday afternoon, I was bursting with excitement. This weekend was all about family bonding and making things right, and I couldn't wait to see how it all unfolded. The resort, surrounded by lush palm trees and with a stunning view of the coastline, just exuded luxury and tranquility.

Kev: "Yo, this place is insane, right?"Mrs. Williams: "Absolutely, it's breathtaking!"

Yanique: "Totally! The vibe here is so chill. I'm loving it."

The lobby, adorned with driftwood accents and hues of seafoam, welcomes guests into a world of tranquility. 

As the family settles into their respective spaces, the resort's interior becomes a seamless extension of the coastal beauty that surrounds it, providing a luxurious and harmonious retreat for all.

Shanice's family stumble upon a dinner invitation for tonight at one of the resort's swanky restaurants. 

*Knock, knock*

As Shanice's family settles into their respective spaces, preparing for dinner, Tamera bursts into the room, excitement evident on her face.

Tamera: "Hey, Yan, have you seen this?" she asks, swinging open the door that connects their rooms.

Yanique: "Yeah, just spotted it. Did jus a come ask unno if unno see it."

Tamera nods, her gaze shifting to the dinner invitation lying on the bedside table.

Tamera: "Alright, so, we've got, like, two hours fi get ready."

Yanique: "Yep."

Tamera: "How unno think this weekend aguh go?"

Yanique: "Everything suppose to go good, man."

Tamera: "I think so too, considering mommy and daddy decide fi put everything behind them."

Tia, who has been quietly listening, chimes in with a question.

Tia: "But who say Daniel family aguh do that?"

Yanique: "I've got a feeling Daniel will sort it out."


"What do you think of this dress?" Shanice asked, holding the dress against her body while staring at her reflection in the mirror.

"It's perfect," Daniel replied.

"But for this occasion though?" she asked again.

Daniel, aware that Shanice typically second-guesses her outfits when anxious, chose to address the issue directly. Instead of tiptoeing around the subject, he straightforwardly inquired, "Our families are about to be in a room together for the first time since Jamaica. How are you feeling?"

"As well as expected," Shanice replied. "Everything will be fine. Your dad and I have come to a mutual agreement, and I have already had a conversation with my mom. All of our parents want us to be happy, which we already are, so it's all good."

"Yeah, everything should be fine," Shanice says, taking a long and heavy breath.


As both families gathers at the restaurant for dinner, there's an undeniable tension lingering in the air. 

Shanice steals a glance at Daniel, and they exchange a subtle, nervous smile. 

Shanice's parents try to keep the atmosphere light, engaging in polite conversation with Daniel's mom, Marianna

"So, Mariana, I must say, this resort is truly stunning. What a remarkable place your husband has created."

"Oh, thank you, Marcia. I'd love to take the credit but this resort is actually Daniel's, its one of the last projects he worked on with his dad.

"Oh, okay, well lovely resort Daniel It's wonderful that our families can come together like this"

The mothers exchange a polite yet cautious smile, each acknowledging the unspoken challenges they face in uniting their families. Tia and Tamera, engage in small talk with the others, attempting to diffuse the awkwardness.

Patrick clears his throat, attempting to strike up a conversation with Daniel 

"So, Daniel, your dad is the mastermind behind this beautiful resort. Must be quite a legacy he's built."

Daniel, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, manages a tight smile.

""Yes, he's quite something. The resort is impressive, for sure," Matias, was it? What legacy did you receive?

"Dad, Daniel is actually his dad's only child... remember?" Shanice says.

"Oh, right. My mistake. I must have misunderstood. Daniel, I suppose every family has its own unique dynamics."

"Dad," Shanice whispers angrily.

"Babe, it's fine. Actually, Mr. Williams, you're right. In fact, there's something I should mention. I recently found out that I have a half-sister."

"Oh, really? That's quite a revelation

Yes, it is especially significant considering how close in age we are, but we are still trying to navigate what that means for our relationship and families." 

Hmmm, interesting!"

Shanice shoots a look at her dad. 

"It sounds like you're handling it as best as you can. It takes time to adjust." 

Daniel nods appreciatively, grateful for Patrick's understanding."Yeah, it's a process, for sure. But I'm hoping that, in time, we can all find a way to make it work."

The weekend trip was a turning point for us. It felt like a fresh start, a chance to mend our family ties and move forward together. We left behind our burdens and embraced hope for the future.

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