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This chapter is dedicated to remona_vamicia. Thanks for reading Doll.💙🦋

Now that Dan and I are back in Yorkshire, we have a few things to catch up on before we have to go back to Jamaica. Somehow, I have a brunch with Daniel's sister tomorrow, and I am not even sure if she likes me to begin with.

"Is there anything specific you want me to ask her?" he shrugs his shoulders."You know, this is the first time I've seen you speechless, right? I know you feel bad about everything you did to her, but I think there's something more going on. What's up?"

I don't know..'



it's me, come on... what's up?"

I don't know I guess after my dad died I thought the only thing I had to have in my life of him would be the business and now there's an entire human who has his name, and weirdly looks like him and I just think, I can't seem to escape this man, why can't I just move on with my life?

Well, I don't think we can ask her to change her name but I am willing to ask & your dad is gone, and he's never coming back babe, maybe you think having her is a bad thing but it doesn't necessarily have to be, sometimes we meet people in a way we least expect, under unusual circumstances, and because of those circumstances, we judge them too quickly without giving them a chance to show us who they really are but maybe just maybe, if we give them a chance, if we let them in they'll end up being the best thing to ever happen to us, take it from me, I'm speaking from experience.

You have a valid point. Thanks, Babe. I trust your judgment in asking the right questions.

Do you wanna meet up after?

I'd love that


After finishing my shower, I put on my outfit. I decided to go for a cute and simple look by wearing some distressed jeans, a pink corset, a pink blazer, and clear point-toe heels. Then, I met my driver downstairs and headed out.

Spencer drops me off at the restaurant and I make my way inside.

"Saint Aubrey, party of two."

"Hello, Mrs. Saint Aubrey. Your other party isn't here yet. Would you like to wait, or are you okay with being seated now?"

"Umm, I'll sit now. I think she'll be here soon."

"Sounds good. Follow me."

Here's our menu so you can take a look at it, would you like me to get you anything in the meantime?

Umm, I'll have a mimosa

Okay, I'll be right back.

After five minutes, I glanced over at my watch, our reservation was scheduled as 11, and I got here at 11:15, is it weird that she isn't here yet?

I decided to give her a few more minutes. As I started taking note of the restaurant, I couldn't help but notice a familiar face. I tried to figure out where I knew that face from, but before I could, I noticed a silhouette standing before me in the corner of my eye.

I turn to face the person, Jacque

"Hi, how are you, please sit.

Thanks, she says. I can already tell she's annoyed, and this is not about to be easy, but she showed up, so that must mean she cares, even a little.

how are you?

"I'm doing okay, how are you?" "I'm okay as well. Thank you for meeting me." "Sure." The waitress interrupts, "What can I get for you today?" "The water is fine, thank you." "Okay, I'll just come right out and say it - your brother asked me to reach out to you and pass on his apologies for how things started between you two. He knows you're his sister and he really wants to patch things up between you guys.

I told him I was his sister, and from the jump, he chose not to believe me, instead, he tortured, embarrassed, stalked, and almost killed me, and for what?

I'm so sorry that happened to you Jacque, He's well- let's just say I don't condone that behavior from him but well

don't make excuses for him, the only reason I'm here is because I don't want him or his goons making my life. a hell anymore

I know you may not like him right now but trust me, your brother is that way because your dad didn't give him another choice

So Daddy dearest told him from beyond the grave to torture me?

not quite, but Daddy dearest had himself in some very questionable situations that made it hard for your brother to trust anyone associated with him

I am not after the money or the fame, I just wanted to meet my brother, my body still aches from being squeezed, punched or I don't even know what else

How about he makes it up to you? How about a spa day to help you recuperate? "Like I said, I'm not here for the money or perks. Tell your husband to leave me alone. I want nothing to do with him.

"I know you said you only came here because you were scared. Are you sure that is the only reason?"

"Of course," she says as she stands up to leave.

Before you go, please think about it. I'm not going to pretend that I know how you feel because I don't, but I have an idea. Like you and him, he and I didn't meet under the best circumstances, and I wasn't his biggest fan at first. But I gave him a chance and he isn't so bad after all. Like I said before, he's like this because he's never really had a chance to be any other way.

if you want to stay with a man who abused you because you think he loves you, go ahead and do that, I am not you and I'm not about to fall for excuses, believe whatever you want but I am not you, if you, him and his posse don't leave me alone I am going to the cops, and y'all don't want that

Look, I know you've been through a lot so I'm going to let that slide, I'm not here to force you to do anything you do not want to, thanks for meeting me and if I were you, I'd stay away from the police I'd try my best to erase any connect to Jackson Saint Aubry  because with that name comes consequences you cannot face on your own, consequences you aren't ready for, you do not have to accept Daniels offer to mend things but if you think he's the one you should be protecting yourself from your in for a rude awakening. have a great day.

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