Reality Check

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All I could hear were my slippers clicking against the porcelain tiles down the hospital hallway, wobbly knees, a dry throat, and a heart pumping at 1000 mph, it was a mystery how I was still upright and not dying of heart failure somewhere.

"Where is he? Where is he?" I shrieked at the medical receptionists, slamming my hands on the counter

"Room 212, Three doors down on the left-hand side,

The door swings open and there he is, laying lifeless, I walk over to his defunct body and gently placed my hand on his arm and a single tear rolls down my cheek

His eyes flutter and then they barely open

"Babygirl, is that you?"His raspy voice commands

"Yes, I'm here


As I try to make sense of the situation, he lunges at me


"Babe, are you okay?" an all too smoothing voice connects

"Uhh- yeah" I lied, trying to gain composure from my scared half to death self.

"Okay, dinner ready"

Thank god, it's just a dream.


Danny: "how was your day"?

"It was really great actually"

"Does this by any chance have anything to do with that ravishing and handsome boyfriend- excuse me- fiancé of yours?"

"Fiance????, I don't have one-a those"

"Ouch, my bad girlfriend"

"Yeah, How was your day?"

"Meetings, meetings, contracts, approvals, the boring stuff mostly but then I got to have lunch with the love of my life so.."

"Who did you have lunch with? Caz if I remember correctly, there wasn't much dining going on"

"I ate a lot, speak for yourself"

"Woah, okay Mr. Aubrey, calm down"

"Oh this is calm Bebe"

"You're so corny.."

"& you love it "

"Just a wee bit..not too much"

"If that's what you need to tell yourself, go on then "

Now that the ice is broken; here goes nothing...

"There's something i wanted to talk to you about"

"Okay, what's on your mind? Tell big daddy"

"Ohmg.. there goes the corniness again -

I wanted to talk to you about this residency situation"


"I ThInK iTs BeSt if I gO hOMe and figure it out from there"

The high spirited positive energy in the room dispersed in seconds and it was now really tense, i knew this is how things would play out but im never truly prepared to break his heart,

'I know that's not what you wanted to hear "

You're right, its not, I selfishly want you to stay but i also- cannot make that decision for you,

Thank you for understanding..

Yeah, it's fine- I just - wanna know.......why can't you marry me?

"I love you D, there's no question about that, look at everything that life has thrown at us, and im still here, choosing you and us every day, marrying you means so much to me I can't do it for the sole purpose of a stupid residency, when we get married i want it to be because we love each other, I wouldn't be able to live with myself otherwise, plus i miss my family, my country, it'll be good for the both of us"

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