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Are you enjoying the trip so far? I asked glancing over at his well-chiseled body. we've been starting our mornings or should I say afternoons by the pool or beachside every day since we got here.

I am"


What's on your mind?

not much..what are you thinking about?



yeah. our future. we finally have your dad's blessings and my family will be visiting once we get back so we can finally get married.

your FAMILY?

yeah, I thought it'd be a good idea to see how we all get along.

that is a good idea. I've no doubt we all will get along.

I'm excited

Me too

I've been thinking and maybe we could stay in Jamaica a little while longer

How long?

Like, not go back long

So you want to live in Jamaica?

If you're up to life, a new country..right?

Are you sure? I love my country don't get me wrong but you've been on vacation dan, you don't really know what it's like living in Jamaica

What do you think could possibly stop me from being where you are?

Nothing I guess

Exactly, don't you want to live in Jamaica?

I am not opposed to it, this is my home, and I'll always this is where I see myself retiring but I also want to travel you know, live in different places for different periods, experience different cultures

That sounds fun but I -

What? Thought because we were gonna get married that'd just be it?

No, we can still travel and live all over but we need somewhere to call home.

Yeah, I guess you got a point

When you close your eyes and think of home, where comes to mind?


Exactly, so this will be our home and we can visit anywhere else

But is Jamaica where you see when you think of home?

My home is wherever you're.

You're sweet.

I know, what about Curls and Cares? I know you said that's something that you've always wanted to do, do you wanna move the store to Jamaica or -

I still trust that my staff is very capable of taking care of it while I'm away so id like it to stay in America, we could open a second location in Jamaica too, its been doing well there and I have no doubt it keep doing well in Jamaica plus i know Yan has her own dreams but it'd also be great to have her working with my brand in Jamaica until she gets back on her feet or starts her own stuff

I think when i tell my mom she may wanna move too


Her maternal instinct to protect and you know how much she loves Jamaica

What about Greyson? He's still in school

I don't know, i don't even know if she will move for certain just a heads up that she might

I've never really gotten a prying vibe from your mom before but do you - is she

I don't think she intentionally crosses boundaries, but I can't be certain. She's always been involved in my life, jobs, and relationships, trying her best to protect me from my dad, gold diggers, and the world. Now that my dad is no longer in the picture, things are uncertain, and I can't say what will happen for sure. However, I want you to be prepared for anything.

I appreciate that Thank you. Have you considered what career path you would like to pursue now that you will no longer be under your father's control? Is there a particular profession that interests you?

Not really, i have my political science degree but what the f*ck am i gonna do with that?

We'll figure it out.

There's not much to figure out, i am ri- we're rich, we can travel all you want and if you want to open ten more businesses i can fund them

So no work?

Lemme ask you something...why do people work?

Idk, to feel fulfilled, make my money so they can provide for their families

Exactly, i feel fulfilled being around you and we already have money, we don't need to work.

so are you comfortable with being a stay-at-home husband?"

i guess, we don't need to work.

I stare at him blankly


I dont know those words just sound foreign i guess.

Babe, we're set for life, you dont ever have to work, our kids don't ever have to work. I've been in business with my dad since i was..14 maybe, I've investments, commodities, that are legit, that'll take care of us for the rest of our lives, if its even one thing that bastard thought me is how to make money.

Well okay then Richie rich. That's good to know.

Let's talk kids,

Yeah? What about kids?

How soon? Kinda of getting old over here.

You're four years older than me, if you're old so am i and I am not old.

That can be argued. long?

Next year


Yup, let's just enjoy each other first, then we can bring a baby in the mix
A baby? How about six?


Six kids

We can have six kids but i am not giving birth six times

Okay, so we'll adopt..or we'll use a surrogate

Four kids and we adopt after the last one starts high school

No, that's a really big age gap

They'll be fine

Four and we'll adopt when the last one turns two

Okay fine, I've twin genetics anyways so I'll probably just be preggers twice

You played me!

Did i?

Six kids, three sets of twins!

We have no control over whether I have multiple or not

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