love or lust?

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With everything that had happened I really needed a talk with someone who knew me before all of this. I face timed Yanique

"Where have you been? You just disappeared on me after your first night, WAH GWAAN?!?"

"Girl alot has happened"

I couldn't tell Yanique that I was kidnapped and sold on the black market but I needed to talk about everything that was going on.

"You know I'm here when you're ready to talk"

"I don't even know where to start...there's this guy..."

"Shanice met a guy? I thought you were on a hiatus from men"

" I was but he was ...we just ended up in a situation together and for the first couple of days he wasn't the nicest but I still liked him, and once I got to know him I ....sounds crazy but I think I might be inlove"

"Girlll, that does sound crazy it's been a little over a week. Was the d that good?"

"I haven't had the D actually..."

"What??? So you're telling me he's that great of a man?? Sounds too good to be true Shan"

"I know, it's so dumb but...I don't know man, I can't even tell you exactly why but I feel strongly for him"

"You haven't had any real contact with men since ANDREW and maybe you're mistaking him being nice as something else, I..I really don't want to see you hurt, you've been through enough already, but if you really want to act on these feelings go ahead buy take your Brain with you, don't fall into the rabbit hole you did the first time"

"I get what you're saying and I don't want history to repeatitself either, I'll be careful..."

"Great. How has business been?"

"Not so good but I know things will start looking up soon"

"God's will and I'm praying for you"

"Thanks Yan, suh u good?

"Stressed. This job girlll..ugh..."

"I know mama, hush. You haven't gotten any call back from the others yet?"

"I got one rejection letter , nothing else yet"

"The other are good new I can feel it"

"Thanks Yan, I've to get back to work, talk soon"

"Enjoy the rest of your day "

"Love youuu...miss youuu"

"I love you and miss you tooo"

Ends call • Dial tone • Ringing


"Hi mommy"

"Wah gwaan now?"
What is going on /what is happening

"I just wanted to let you know I was in america"

"Suh uh just get up gaa farin just so and no tell nobadi?"
"So you just leave for America without telling anyone?"

"It was a last minute decision mommy "

"Hmmh...ok. well atleast mi know you alive and well "

"How are you and dad?"

"Wi Alrite man. So how lang uh aguh deh a farin fah?"
"We are okay. How long will you be in the Us"

"I can't say just yet"

"I don't know where you get all this spontaneity from..alright. be careful now"

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