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"Hey, Babe," Daniel greeted, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. "What's got you looking so radiant this morning?"

I couldn't contain my excitement. "I got a call from Trishana, the realtor, and she's found something that meets all our criteria."

Daniel leaned in, his interest piqued. "Really? That's amazing news! What did she say?"

"She mentioned that she'll be emailing me all the details shortly. Location, size – everything," I explained, my excitement bubbling over.

A wide grin spread across Daniel's face as he set his coffee aside. "That's fantastic, Babe! I can't wait to see what she found. We're one step closer."

As we waited for the email, my phone pinged with the arrival of Trishana's message. We eagerly opened it together, scrolling through the details. The land was nestled in the enchanting landscape of Portland, offering a perfect blend of beauty and tranquility. Tucked away in a picturesque location, it promised both seclusion and accessibility. The size and price were just right.

"This looks incredible. What do you think?" I asked Daniel, turning to him.

"I love it. It's everything we've been looking for... I can't wait to see it in person," Daniel replied, sharing in my excitement.



Gathered with family and friends in the cozy living room, I cleared my throat, feeling the weight of what I was about to say.

"Hey, everyone, can I have a moment?" I began, sensing the curiosity in their gazes as they turned toward me.

"I've been thinking," I continued, my heart racing with excitement and nerves. "About something important." I took a deep breath. "I realized that I didn't give Shanice the proper proposal she deserves the first time around. So, I've decided I want to make it right. With all the romance and magic that she deserves."

The room buzzed with anticipation as murmurs of excitement filled the air. I motioned for everyone to lower their voices, not wanting Shanice to overhear. "Shanice is upstairs taking a nap, and we want to keep this proposal a surprise, right?"

"I want to ask her to marry me again," I declared, my voice filled with determination and overflowing love.

Gasps of delight and supportive smiles filled the room as I shared my plan.

"So, consider this a heads-up, everyone," I said. "You're all invited to witness me getting down on one knee and asking the love of my life to be my forever."

"Yassss!" Yanique shrieked, her excitement contagious.

I outlined my vision for the proposal, describing the picturesque setting, the floral arrangements, and the intimate details that would make the moment truly magical. The family, now fully engaged in the planning process, began brainstorming ideas and offering their unique skills to bring the vision to life.

Tia suggested color palettes and floral arrangements that would resonate with Shanice and Kev volunteered to handle any audiovisual elements, ensuring the proposal would be captured beautifully.

Yanique offered to discreetly guide her through the day without revealing the true nature of the surprise.

Tia, with her sketchpad in hand, gestured for everyone's attention. "Alright, let's get organized. We need a timeline and specific tasks for each person."

As the planning unfolded, the room filled with laughter and a shared sense of excitement. I felt a profound gratitude for the support of our families, knowing that their collective efforts would contribute to a moment that would stay etched in our memories forever.

The family's enthusiasm and commitment to keeping the secret fueled my anticipation. Together, we were crafting not just a proposal but a symphony of love, and as we worked collaboratively, the bonds between Our family members strengthened, setting the stage for a truly special moment in Shanice and my journey.


In the dimly lit, clandestine meeting room, I sat across from FBI Agent Anderson. It was time to tie up these loose ends from my father before starting a new chapter with Shan. The air hung heavy with tension, a delicate dance between loyalty and the shadowy world of crime and justice. I knew there were more people who didn't want me here than those who did, and I understood that the FBI didn't fully trust me. But I was determined not to continue my father's life of crime.

"Mr. Saint-Aubry," Agent Anderson began, his tone measured, "I wanted to personally thank you for the invaluable intel you've provided. It's been crucial in dismantling one of the major drug syndicates operating in our community."

Maintaining a stoic demeanor, I felt a subtle mix of relief and concern. 

"Thanks to your cooperation, we've secured numerous convictions," Agent Anderson continued. "The Assistant District Attorney is pleased, and the deal you struck to avoid prison time remains intact. You've held up your end of the bargain."

As I sat across from Agent Anderson in the room, I couldn't shake the weight of the choices I'd made. "I did what I had to," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Agent Anderson acknowledged the complexity of my situation, recognizing the tightrope I'd been walking. "I know this path hasn't been easy for you," he said. "But your cooperation has made a significant impact in our fight against crime."

As the meeting concluded, Agent Anderson extended his hand in a gesture of respect. "Take care of yourself, Daniel," he said. "Remember, you're not alone in this."

Outside the meeting room, I met Remi "It's done," I told him. "I've spent too long in the shadows. But now, there's someone worth stepping into the light for. I want to leave this behind and build a future with her."

Remi's hand on my shoulder was a comforting weight, grounding me in this pivotal moment. "It's never too late to choose a different path," he said, his voice a mix of concern and encouragement. "But breaking away from this life won't be easy. Are you sure you're ready for what comes next?"

"I want out, Remi," I admitted, the words heavy with conviction. "I'm tired of the darkness, tired of the constant danger. I want something real, something honest."

Remi nodded, his eyes reflecting the weight of my decision. "I understand, Daniel. And I'll support you every step of the way. But you know there will be consequences."

"I'm prepared for that," I said firmly, a surge of determination coursing through me. "For the first time, I want to take control of my own destiny."

"I know, man," Remi said, his voice filled with solidarity. "And I'll be right there beside you, no matter what."

"Thank you, Remington, I couldn't do this without you by my side."

Remi nodded, his commitment evident.  

Loyalty isn't just a job for me ; it's a choice I've made because of the person you are. No matter what happens, you can count on me."

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