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All set?

I ask looking over at Danny in his ...

We haven't been doing much during the days since we've been here so I decided to go visit my uncle Nigel today.

My uncle has a large property on the border of the hills and the town
It's so beautiful and has all the fruit trees you can think of, I figured it'd be a good idea for Danny to experience this with my family.

Yan, Tia, and Mom are here and coming along as well, everyone else is at work.

After about fifteen minutes in smooth country traffic Yan pulls up before my uncle's gigantic gate and honks the horn, not long after my uncle appears from the left side of the property, we still had the windows up and the vehicle is tinted so we knew he didn't know it was us and decided to play a joke on him,

Yan honks the horn a few more times signaling him to open the gate but he just stands there presumably trying to figure out who it could be...she honks again and he walks a bit closer to the gate and copies the superhero stances

'a who dat?"

We all laugh and Yan honks the horn once more

"Mi seh a who that ?"

Yan does the same thing verbatim

"Den all uh do a tan out deh all day a blow" he curses and starts walking back towards the house

I quickly wind my window down and scream his name

"Uncle Nigel!!!"

"Shan Shan a you that?"


"Den u a idiot, how uh expect me do know say a u dat and the window wind up wid the glass dark lakka night?


After pleasantries, we all sat on a few benches under a mango tree.

My cousins were home today on the account of it being a weekend

You guys wanna do something fun? " Keisha asks

What do you've in mind?"

Let's take it back the way we use to whenever you'd visit..

Sightings" we both cheered in unison

Sounds fun" Yan joined

What's sightings? A completely clueless Daniel questions

Its a game, pretty simple actually, so we have the throwers and the dodgers, the throwers will stand at opposite ends and they control the ball, they aim to hit the dodgers who will be in the middle, they'll run from one end to the other depending on which thrower has the ball, you can dodge anyway possible as long as you stay inside the narrow invisible rectangle which starts at dodger one and ends at dodger two... understand?

So don't let the ball hit me?

And don't run out of bounds

Sounds fun, let's do it.

One ova head

Two ova head



Taking a sip of his lemonade

Being here with you like this puts so much into perspective for me, I love you, I love being around you and seeing you with your family ...damn near perfect, I can see us here long term, just living carefree like, enjoying paradise, you being happy.

Babe, is everything okay? First you just casually hinted at your mom coming here and now you're talking about possibly living here? What's going on?

There's something I've to tell you...I did stand on my word and I handed over the information I had about my dad and everything he was involved in to the Police, Things are set in motion for Aubrey and Son to be closed by months end but the District Attorney that I was working with well, he's no longer the DA and his replacement is being a bit difficult, my deal with the previous DA was that I wouldn't serve time in prison once I gave them all the information I could have but he left before our deal was finalized and now this new DA, his terms are different, his terms are that I accept five years. He thinks I'll be out after two on good behavior and I can serve the rest on probation.

I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier, I didn't want to break your heart, I still don't but I also cannot continue pretending like this, If I go to prison, I'm vulnerable, I'll have no one to protect me, there's already a target on my back, I won't make it out alive, I can't go Shan...My legal team has been trying their hardest but things don't look promising...

I'm not sure how exactly to respond to something like this, I'm not mad at you because ai know you did the right thing by giving the police all that information but
This really feels like .....
Every time we're on a good path we get knocked off...

"Shan, come show your uncle how to WhatsApp"

Just a minute Mommy!"

"It's fine, who help your mom, we can talk later"

After dropping off my mom sister and Yan at my parent's house Daniel and I drive silently back to the villa

"I know it's not your fault, I don't blame you...i just wish there Was another way"

"There is one other way, it's a last resort....and it's not exactly legal"

"Okay...and How long do you've...before a final final decision is made?"

"Not long"

"Daniel I love you and I just want us to be happy, I want us to be happy and not have to worry about things going left in a week, I want us to get married, and have kids, I want more time with you, I don't want to lose you...I think you should let things play out but just know I'll be here regardless

Babe, are you sure?

There are a lot of things in this life I am uncertain about but you, us, is never one of them. I'm all in.

I love you so much, my pretty baby girl.

Oh, I know. So what's this about my mother-in-law visiting?

I was hoping our families could meet each other while we're here, I've invited Mom and the fam to join us we just haven't finalized a date yet.

That's a great idea, babe, I can't wait!

Hey my babies! This is long overdue, i hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote!!🤍

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