Plot Thickens

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It had been a full week of family time and my family had returned to their regular lives.

Yanique had used up all her vacation time so we could spend as much time together.

"So when are you gonna tell me all about this proposal Mrs....? Wah him last name?"

"It's kinda sad that you don't really know anything about him huh?"

"Yes, i guess we a do tingz different this time.."

"Yeah, his last name is Saint Aubrey"

"Dang, Just by the last name you know this man is rich"


"Come on stop wull out, tell me everything"

"Girl, I don't know, it was just sweet, the day started with :

Daniel: Good Morning Beautiful

Hey honey cakes, did you make me breakfast?"

'Well..sort of..

"What does that mean?"

"That means i watched Sterling prepare it after I asked him to"

"So No then?"

"So yes then"

"Omg No Daniel"

"Can I just have my morning kiss?'

He leans in and we kiss, still very much giving butterflies like the first time

"I called your Staff and let them know you won't be coming in today"

"But i thought i was -"

'I got plans for us today"

"What's the occasion?"

"Nothing special just wanna spend time with my shawty"

"Oh my god, don't ever say that again"

"But you're my shawty..nah-a-mean?"

"Daniel, seriously. No."

"Ok. Eat up."

After breakfast, we spent a few hours together just enjoying each other's company and catching up..

"Hmmmm, if a so u call it, continue"

Then we really spent the day together, we went candle making, the spa, shopping, and then hung out at the beach for a bit...

Later in the evening we got back to the penthouse and got dressed for dinner.

He said to dress up so you know i did, i chose this long sleeve, broad-shoulder silver sequin mini dress with a thigh split that I had gotten from this high-end boutique he introduced me to and my bag, heels and jewelry to compliment with some light makeup, you know how i do.

As usual, he rocked a three-piece suit..

so perfect

We then got picked up by spencer and chauffeured to a high-end Italian restaurant in New York. I could see from the exterior that the inside was dark but I just thought it was tinted windows or something,

"Close your eyes"


He led me inside and then

Open your eyes"

the room was beautifully decorated in white rose petals, candles, string led lights, and a gigantic, marry me sign, I couldn't believe it, I couldn't turn to face him, girl i had all the insects in my tummy, forget the butterflies.

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