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Yo Remi, find out if Sara is available for a quick trip

Where are we going?



Did I f*cking stutter? Jamaica.

📲Shanice Saint Aubry
Taking care of business out of town be back before bedtime. I love you.

Please be careful. I love you too💖♾️

"What's on the agenda?" Remington asks timidly.

I need to try reasoning with Shanice's parents again. She needs them and I can't stand to see her unhappy.

I still can't believe sometimes this is the girl that knocked you out with a toilet tank.

She's the girl that was defending herself after she was abducted

Yeah I know, I haven't forgotten that part, I just want to make sure that you're certain this is all worth it.

There's not a single f*cking ounce of doubt in my mind.

I hear you, boss

Don't fucking asks me that again,  when have I ever been wrong?

My bad boss


After landing, Daniel and Remi headed straight to the Williams' house. After exiting the vehicle, Daniel took a deep breath before knocking on the front door. Everything was riding on this.

There are two quick knocks on the door, and before the third knock, Shanice's mom swings it open. She looks shocked and asks, "Daniel?"

"Hi Mrs. Williams, is your husband here? I'd like to have a conversation with both of you."

She responds, "Sure, come in."

Thank you

Pat, we have a visitors

Entering the living room from what seems to be a bedroom, Mr. Williams slows his pace with a shocked look on his face.

What are you doing here?

Mr and Mrs Williams I'd love to have an adult conversation with both of you about Shanice and our future.

I'm not sure what more you could have to say

I just need five minutes of your time, you don't have to talk, I just need you to listen.

Okay, let's have a seat Mrs Williams commands

I had a conversation with Shanice last night after your talk yesterday, and she was very upset and hurt. She believes that you are both planning to cut her out of your lives, and this has made her very unhappy. Shanice loves you both very much and needs you in her life. I don't want to cause any problems between you and your daughter. I know I'm not the kind of man you had envisioned for her. My life is complicated, and I need personal security. I know my lifestyle is not ideal, and it's not what you're used to. But please believe me when I say that there's no corner of this earth I wouldn't go to make sure your daughter is safe. I love her with all my heart, and I understand that you will always love her more. I know where your disapproval comes from, but this is about Shanice more than it's about us. All three of us care deeply for her and want to see her happy. And what will make her happy is if we all get along. You don't have to like me, and I don't have to like you. But I am willing to be cordial with both of you for the sake of Shanice's happiness. I hope you are willing to do the same. I know you don't like me, but please don't let your dislike for me outweigh your love for your daughter. Let's be cordial and respectful for her sake. I don't want to see her crying or hurting, and this situation is hurting her.

You came all the way from America to tell us our daughter is crying?"

Yes ma'am

Does Shanice know you're here?"


As parents, ensuring the safety of our daughter is our responsibility, and we have been concerned about her well-being given the risks associated with your lifestyle. However, we must apologize for our initial judgment of you as it was unfair, It was not the Christian thing to do.  After much prayer and reflection, we have decided to trust Shanice's judgment regarding your relationship. We understand that she has made some mistakes in the past, but she is a smart girl and we believe that she has learned from that experience. 

I'm so happy to  hear that Mrs Williams and I know that Shanice will be too.

I know, just don't let me have to bury my child, I beg you.

I promise you, you won't.

I'm holding you to that promise

What about your Mr Williams?

He takes a deep breath before speaking, and there is a moment of silence and awkwardness.

"It's like you said, my love for my daughter outweighs how I feel about you. You're not what we had in mind for her, but she says she's happy and she's sticking by you. So, we'll support her decision. Also, you came all this way simply because my daughter is upset, and that says a lot about you. I respect that. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure my baby girl is happy, so it brings me much comfort that you will treat her the way I always have, like the royalty she is. I'll give you my blessings. Don't make me regret it."

You won't, sir. Neither one of you will. Like you said before, I will do anything to make sure she's happy. Please call her, she misses you both.

Mrs. Williams rushes to grab her phone from a nearby table before calling her.

The line opens

"Hi Mommy"

"Look who came to visit us," she says turning the phone at Daniel

"uhh- what's going on?" she asks

'turns out Daniel came all this way to tell us that you're upset and crying"


Yes, your Dad and I had a conversation with him Shanice and -

the wedding is still off?" she asks 

"No baby girl," her dad responds. "We've listened to Daniel and we've listened to you. While he isn't the man we would have chosen for you, we trust your decision. So, whether you get married or not, that's your decision."

Thank you, guys. Having your blessing means a lot to us. 

We understand that we hurt you before Shan Shan, Sorry about that, We love you.

I love you guys too.

Thank you, Daniel. God bless you. If you and your family ever want to visit again, we're here and willing to start fresh.

Sounds like a plan.

"awwwww, I'm so happppy!!!!" Shanice screams through the phone.

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