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Daniel's POV

An encounter that would change the lives of two siblings forever. 

Jacque sat nervously at a small wooden table, her eyes anxiously scanning the entrance each time the door chimed. Just as doubt started to creep in, a familiar face entered.

Their eyes locked, and for a moment, the weight of untold stories and shared DNA hung in the air. With a tentative smile, Daniel pulled out the chair opposite Jacque and they settled into an awkward silence.



"What are we doing here?

"I uhh- thought we could talk"

The waitress arrived with their menus which provided a convenient distraction, giving them a moment to gather their thoughts. As they perused the options for the day, Jacque felt the tension in the air gradually subsides. She took a deep breath and looked up, only to find Daniel gazing at her.

"I think we need to move forward and try to have a relationship but there are some things we need to talk about first"

" Things? What exactly are you talking about?"

Jacque traced the rim of her water glass, choosing her words carefully. "I've always wondered about you. What you liked, what you were passionate about. I mean, we're siblings, and yet we're practically strangers."

"How long have you known about me?" Daniel asked in a stern tone.

"Basically all my life," she replied.

"Why reach out now?"

"I- uhh... 

"Want money?" Daniel implied. 

The arrival of their meals brought a welcome distraction. 

"I'm not here for money," she replied. 

"Are you trying to tell me that you aren't the least bit curious if our dad left any money for you?" he asked. 

"I'm saying that if our bastard dad left me money, it's the least he could do after everything he and your mother put my mom through," she retorted.

"Careful how you speak about my mom...what exactly did they put her through?"

"Are you just going to sit there and pretend like you don't know?"

"What did they put her through?"

'My mom gave up her career for our Dad because your mom and him convinced her they could all make it work only for your mom to have my mom thrown out into the street when she got pregnant with me because your mom wanted to be the only one pregnant and our dad just allowed it

"What are you talking about? Our moms never lived together."

Who told you that? Your mom? It doesn't matter who did. They did live together; they had a dynamic that worked for them. Both our moms lived with him in the same house on different ends of the house. He'd spend time with both of them, and they both knew about each other. They were fine with making it work. Your mom got pregnant first, and not long after, my mom did too. But your mom didn't like that. She tried to convince my mom that it wasn't the best time for her to be pregnant. When my mom refused to listen to her, she waited until our dad wasn't there and had my mom's things thrown out.'

Listen, I hate to break it to you, but the story that your mom has been feeding you all these years isn't true.

How are you so sure my mom is the one that's wrong?

Because I am.

Oh, okay.

Now, I know you may think that you missed out on something not growing up with our dad, but you didn't. Life did you a favor. Anyone who has never interacted with that man is very lucky.

You don't get to decide that.

Either way, he's gone now.

Yeah, I am well aware of that.

Listen, he didn't leave you anything. Be thankful because the legacy he left me has put me in places and situations you can't even begin to imagine.

I know our dad wasn't the best person, but you don't realize how lucky you are to have had him in your life. I love my mom, and she did an amazing job raising me, but still, there's been a missing piece - our dad. I don't want money; I just want us to have a relationship. Both my parents are gone, and my mom and her family barely got along. All I have is you.

"So where do we go from here?" he asked.


Shanice POV

Sitting in the conference room, I awaited my meeting with Daniel's legal team to discuss the contract for the partnership between Curls and Care and Ebony Essence.

At the head of the table sat Alexis Turner, the lead attorney. Alex, with her confident demeanor, wore a tailored navy blue pantsuit. On her right was Christopher Rodriguez, a paralegal, sporting a stylish graphic tee and a pair of sleek black-framed glasses. Next to Chris was Lauren Park, the brilliant litigator, who was dressed in a bohemian-inspired outfit. Finally, there was Jamie, dressed in a crisp white blouse paired with tailored black trousers.

During the meeting, we carefully reviewed each clause, ensuring that the terms were mutually beneficial for both parties. Together, we brainstormed and made a few tweaks to the contract to align it more closely with the shared goals and vision of Curls and Care and Ebony Essence. With the revisions complete, the legal team efficiently compiled the updated contract and promptly sent it back to Mickayla, signaling a significant step forward in formalizing the partnership and bringing our shared vision to life.

After the meeting, I began feeling a bit queasy. So instead of heading to work, I messaged the girls that I wouldn't be in today and had Spencer bring me back to the penthouse. I made myself some soup before cuddling up on the couch, trying not to completely waste the time. I decided to catch up on some schoolwork. Not long after, I fell asleep.

I was jolted from my sleep when I heard the elevator bell dinging. As I opened my eyes and sat up, I saw Yanique stepping through the door. A wave of warmth and familiarity washed over me, and I bolted towards Yanique. The two of us embraced like long-lost sisters, laughter and screams of excitement echoing through the living room.

Hey Dolls & Dons!!! I genuinely look forward to reading your comments and hearing what you think! Your opinions always brighten up my day and inspire me to do my best. Let's keep this conversation going I'll be in the comment section. 🦋💕

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