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"Look who finally grew up...so you think you're the big man now huh? "

"I'm not doing this with you-.."

"It's that bitch isn't it? She's the one that has you think-

Without retrospect I jolted over to where he was, our faces less than an inch apart

"Finish it, I dare you, finish that statement"

"I don't know who the f*!k you think you're dealing with but don't let me have to remind you"

"All of this means nothing to me, you can disown me, cut me out of your will, you don't even have to speak to me again, the last year have taught me that you don't bring much good to my life, it's all harm, you've put mine and everyone else's around you life in danger, you've ruined so many persons life for your own selfish personal gain, I'm utterly disgusted by the man you truly are, it broke my heart for the things I realize you had done once I took over, the things you did to people who care about you and us, I don't know if you remember but let me enlighten you, no one came to visit, your skanky wife left you the moment your mind did, you friends of years, have showed up maybe once and the associates you value so much never did, you've taught me that I need to spend time with the people I love , I need to create lasting friendships and get my priorities in order, that money cannot buy love therefore money doesn't buy happiness, I can't rely on it to find me a genuine woman, someone that has my best interest at heart, I love you Dad, I always will but this this is not the life I want for myself and if you decide that you no longer want a relationship with me then I'm fine with that, we all have to do what's best for us"

And just like that you could drop a pin and it would echo, he had nothing to say, for a man that does oral cardio quite often, he was simply dumb founded.


Daniel comes back from the office with his dad and i can tell right away he's not okay, so i call him away for a second so we can talk.

"Hey, lets go outside for a minute"

"What's up are you okay'

Im okay come on"


"Are you okay?" I ask him

"Yeah babe, im fine"



"It's a simple question "

"I'm fine"

"No, you aren't, breathe, inhale, exhale, let it go, that man is more than likely going to die in the next twenty four hours, you don't want this to be the way you end things with him"

"Okay, i need a minute"

"Take all the time you need, just breathe, i'm right here"

"Im really lucky huh?"

"You're blessed but yeah"

We kiss but not for long as it is interrupted by screams inside the house. Daniel rushes towards the noise and i follow. We get inside the house and immediately notice Jack laying on the ground with Emma over him giving chest compressions, Mariana is on the phone, presumably with emergency services and poor Greyson just seemed really traumatized.

I guess this is it. This is how the cookie of Jackson Saint Aubry Crumbles.

A Week Later

"Are you gonna plan his funeral?

He didn't want one"


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