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This chapter is dedicated to @sherryann855, I hope I didn't disappoint 🤍🧚‍♀️

Bending me over the desk he continuously slams his erection into my essence.

After four months of frequent conversations, I finally had Andrew wrapped around my stubby fingers, where I thought I needed him ...but lately, I've been on the fence about the entire situation, I don't know why I'm doing this, this is not who I am, this is not how I am, Why am I being so vengeful? This is not my battle to fight, it's not my lesson to teach or my point to prove, Deuteronomy 32:35 Shanice, Deuter-

Ahhhh! The sound rolls off my lips, slowly and quaveringly

Shhh, he whispers vindictively In my ears as he slowly covers my mouth with his fingers gradually

For a moment I forgot where I was, the back office of Curls and Care

This had unintentionally become a routine for Danny and I, he brings me lunch daily and we somehow end up with it ending this way

I just can't resist him and he loves him some Shan Shan if I do say so myself

*Pops imaginary collar*

"So have you thought about what I asked? "

Danny Inquires whilst helping me up off the desk

"Hmmh?" I questioned unconvincingly as I try to retrieve our clothing from the office floor

"Come on babe, you know what am I talking about, the pro-"

"Don't say it!!!!" I cut him off immediately

The proposal? Yes, I have also thought about that a lot, Admittedly not as much as the Andrew situation but I have, I just couldn't give Danny a different answer, there's no question that I love and care about him and vice versa but I can't go through with a sham wedding,

I trust my team to handle business if I definitely have to go home and I'll drop in periodically to make sure things are running smoothly, I can't marry him for what he has, it has to be for who he is, I wouldn't be able to live with myself otherwise.

"Daniel - ''

"Yes ma'am" he smirks pulling me into his bare rock hard chest

"I have thought about it, my answers are still the same, ............No"

"You just keep breaking my fragile little heart huh"
"Come on, that's not fair I-"
"I'm just messing with you, I just want you to know, my offer always stands"
"Thanks, smooch, I'll figure something out"
"I know"
"Now gimme some love, I have a meeting in a few"

We kiss then Daniel grabs his jacket and heads toward the door but not before

"Hey ...I love you babygirl"
Gosh, I'll never get tired of hearing that

I love you too Zaddy, i teased and we both smile
Now no matter how many times I do this it always feels weird walking to the front after, I know everyone knows what's up, we're all adults partaking in adult activities but it's still awkward.

"There she glows" Nia my newest team member taunts

"What are you talking about?" I ask unconvincingly

"That glow you get after the D" she explains

"Nia!" Ashanti whispers loudly

"What...it's true"

"Yeah but you don't have to say it"

"She doesn't mind, right boss lady"

"I guess not Nia" I chuckle

"You know he's good for you? Right? I love you with him, I mean I didn't know you before him but I can just tell, he's good for you"

"Well, what do you know about love little girl?' Ashanti questions

A lot" nia counters,

Nia is my youngest employee, she's just 18 but her drive and passion are incomparable, and after our first interview, I just knew I needed her, not just in my business but in my life...crazy, I know, but to be totally honest majority of my new staff is made up of young driven women,

There's Ashanti 23- My first employee- she's an immigrant from Kenya, I've promoted her to manager
Olivia is 22 she's a single mom of twin girls, and just moved out from living with her abusive ex
Tati is 25 she just dropped out of medical school to pursue her dreams of becoming a singer/songwriter
Zahara 23 just isn't completely sure what she wants to do with her life and of course
Nia working two jobs to make ends meet for herself and her siblings since her mom fell ill

We're all young black women trying to find our place in this crazy world

"Oh, you do? Tell me about it then my good sis" Ashanti counters

Literally saved by the bell, a customer walks in just as Nia is about to speak

Alright guys, back to work" i command

A lot has happened lately and I honestly haven't been dealing with it much, usually, whenever I'm in a hard place I'd turn to my family or Yanique but this, this is something I wanna deal with on my own, I'm a big girl, it shouldn't be hard to figure out, right?

Being that it's coming up on my six months mark in America in a few weeks and I don't wanna mess up my chances of being a resident here the legal way I think its best i go back to Jamaica right now and figure out my plan b from there, I know it won't be a decision Daniel will love and i truthfully don't know if our relationship can survive this but everything will work itself out the way its suppose to, the way God intended it, so we'll
be fine, and it'll be good to see my immediate family in person and catch up with the extended half, it would also be really cool to introduce Danny to my culture but i can't ask him to come, not right now, he's got his company and his dad and his life, so ill go back to Jamaica and figure it out myself, i know ill find the right answers there.

The remainder of the day passes over quickly and before i know it I'm driving home, tonight's ride is so different I've never really realized the picturesque of this amazing little town, i feel so at peace right now,

i get home and head upstairs to run a bath passing sterling in the kitchen preparing dinner, the splash of the water hitting the porcelain calms me so much, I can't even begin to explain. I toss a lavender bath bomb in the tub whilst undressing myself, for a minute, i get a whiff of whit-drawl from my afternoon session with a such guy and my mind is suddenly at ease, the perfect solution to all my problems for sure.

With my body at ease, i try refocusing my thoughts, what's next for my brand? How soon will i leave for Jamaica? Should i tell Danny or -
Should I do Pop up shops in Jamaica? Should I release a new product?
What should I do?
Masicka's stay strong comes on and i reach over to pick up my cell phone from the edge of the tub

"Hello", I barely managed to mumble

"I'm sorry so to tell you this", the voice from the opposite end informs


Hey Dolls, How'd you like this chapter? What do you think will happen next? I wanna hear your opinions so comment, like, and vote. Thanks for reading guys.♥️

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