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This Chapter is Dedicated to shereecebackup, thanks for reading lovely!❤️🦋


"Hey Matias, it's Shanice."

"I got caller ID, Shan. What's up?"

"Right, sorry. Umm...I was trying to get to Jake. I'm ready to come back, and I was hoping he could come pick me up."

"Oh, well, did you call Danny?"

"No, I just...I'd rather speak to him in person."

"That's cool. Danny left to go run an errand, so Jake and Remi are with him. But I can come pick you up if you'd like."

"Okay, sure, that's fine. Do you remember how to get here?"

"No, but if you send me your location, I should be able to find you."

'sounds good, Thanks Matias"


"So what happens next Shan Shan?" asks Kev."

I don't know, I've tried reasoning with them and that didn't work, so now I guess I just give them space," 

."I know, this is a sticky situation because I understand where they're coming from, but you're your own independent woman," says Kev.

"Yeah, I agree. Sorry, we couldn't be there to support you in person, Shan. Work has just been...well, work," apologizes Tia

"It's fine, guys. I get it. You would've just wasted your time anyway considering how everything transpired. 

Everything will work itself out, Shan. It always does," adds Yan

After everything that happened, I told my siblings and friends not to bother showing up. They have their own lives and stuff going on, and I know if I can't change my parents' minds, they won't. I know that I have their support in this, and that's enough for me.


"Thanks for coming to get me"

"No problem, Shan. You're family. You can call me whenever." Matias assures

"How has Dan been?"

"He's handling it. You know how he is. He's obsessed with looking like he has it all together, but I know you being back will be better for him."

"Yeah, we've been texting, but it's been sort of weird. So, I figured it'd be best to talk this out in person. That way, there will be no misunderstanding tone or anything."

"That makes sense. You know, I don't know much about love, Shanice. I never had any real examples of it growing up, but I know that what you guys have is special. Everything will be cool again."

"Thanks, Mat."

"The car isn't in the driveway, so I don't think they're back yet," Matias adds as we pull into the driveway.

We enter the house, and Matias and I head in opposite directions to our rooms. There I see Daniel undressing. 

I thought Matias said he was out. 

Has he been here the entire time, and he didn't want to come to get me?- my thought stops abruptly when i notice it. 

The blood on his clothes..



"Is that blood?"

"yeah, its not what you think, it was a nosebleed

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