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The car comes to a stop and without retrospect, I hurriedly egressed bustling towards the elevator.

The fiftieth floor has never seemed so far before. I grabbed a traveling bag from his closet and began packing a few necessities, mainly products I had around the house, my journals, passport, and other important documents I had brought.

Daniel's feet are heard trampling the stairs from a distance and I pack faster in an attempt to avoid the dreadful conversation that is about to happen.

"Shanice, I'm so sorry, please don't leave, don't leave me, I can't lose you now" He pleas

Still with my focus on everything but him I finish packing before logging onto his laptop to buy myself a plane ticket home.

Daniel's POV

Everything she told me had caught me by surprise I knew things with her ex ended badly but I didn't even have the slightest clue of how it was.

I care too much about this woman to have her leave now. She's doing so well here, her business is flourishing, and everything's going well, I love having her here and I know it must not have been easy for her to share something so personal and heart-wrenching.

If I could I would go back to that moment on the yacht and hold her, then I'd look into her eyes and assure her everything was fine, assure her that this would never happen again, because I am here now and I could never hurt her, I love her too much.

I know it sounds a bit crazy but I do.


No one has had such an effect on me before, she melted the cold, dark place Amber had left, and she filled it with light, I'm becoming a better man every day because of her, I cannot let her leave.

I stare at her sitting before the laptop and soon notice the screen, she's purchasing a plane ticket, and I cannot let her leave...

Without a second thought, I quickly jogged over and grabbed the laptop, holding it above my head, She tried retrieving it but her height proved that futile. That's one of my favorite things about her, her height, her head falls perfectly where my heart is every time which is fine by me, I want her to always hear how much the rhythm increases whenever she's close, I want her to know she's the reason there's even a rhythm.

I tossed the laptop and it falls somewhere in a corner, she attempts to retrieve it and I stopped her, she immediately tries to hit me and I allow her before preventing her blows with a hug, she stops and just stand there, and I hug her tighter.

"I'm sorry he made you feel that way, you deserve so much better, I promise you'll never feel like that again"

I tell her immediately and I mean it

Her tears soak through my shirt before she starts collapsing to the floor and I hold her even tighter whilst we both fall to the floor allowing her to let it all out, she needs to.

Knowing how she is I know she must not have truly expressed how much this has hurt her before, I need her to let it go, so she can move on, so we can move on and she can finally be happy, genuinely happy.

After our silent heart-to-heart on the floor, Shanice falls asleep in my arms and I lay her on the bed before heading to the shower and making a call. I need to see her smile again.

By the time I finish showering my order arrives and I transform a random bedroom downstairs into what I pray will cheer her up.

By the time I finish showering my order arrives and I transform a random bedroom downstairs into what I pray will cheer her up

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