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The elevator dings and I head toward the kitchen,

He follows

"Don't shut down, ask your questions"

I don't have any"

He takes my arm and spins me around

Are you sure?" He lifts my chin and we're now staring into each other's eyes

I promise you, no secrets, whatever you wanna know, just ask...

Yup, you guessed it, my knees begin tingling, my brain isn't completely sure what about this my kitty loves but she's awake and as if he can sense it he repositions himself lowering his hoover and we kiss,

"Ask me", he says but we both know a conversation is not in the works right now, he picks me up and places me on the counter, and we kiss again, the way a simple kiss from him can provoke this sensation through my body is unexplainable

"Oh ma damn"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grips onto my hips, his lips trail from my lips to my neck and as I release my hands they brush past his wai-

"Is that a Gu--?"


reaching into his waistband he pulls a handgun of some kind out and places it on the other side of the counter then he proceeds to take my shirt off as if nothing just happened.

I really wanted to ask about it, I couldn't stop staring but then his lips found my areola using his hands as guides and my head tilts back involuntarily.

He's now shirtless, his hands find the strings of my sweats and they too soon disappear leaving my drenched vulvas exposed. His hand, my neck, his fingers, my clit.

He simultaneously maneuvers between massaging my vulvas and clit, the more he does, the more I crave him, I try not to ...but I'm helpless at his hands, my pursed lips whine and just as I think he's about to give in, his lips replaces his fingers, the intensity intensifies and he pushes my legs back further and pulls me closer to the edge of the counter, I tighten my hold on the edge but there's very little control that I have over my body right now, he's like a lion ready to pounce and I feel myself drifting closer to my finish,

"Ahh, oh God"

I can't see it but somehow I know he has that devilish smirk on his face, I can't breathe but he hasn't come up for air, I try to hold out my climax as I feel it drifting closer but my natural reflex gives in and I let out a loud moan, he retracts and I slide down off the counter but before I could do anything else he has me bent over, I feel him fill me up but I'm not sure if I can take too much more of this, that doesn't stop him from grabbing onto my hair and slapping my ass as he eases into it, as if he wasn't in control before he's even more so now, my body in complete agony and I feel myself he continues to f*&k me through my climax, my knees start shaking, and my vision gets blurry, the next thing I know is feeling my squirt dripping down my legs.

I try to stand but that's futile, Daniel turns me around picks me up, and takes me upstairs, the minute we get to the bathroom he starts running me a bath.



Later that Day


My eyes open and he's at his desk on his laptop, I'm neatly tucked into bed, the last thing I remember is the kitchen and weLl..yeah...I'm not sure how I got here.

He looks so peaceful, so sexy when he's focused.

"Are you ready to talk now?" He asks


"What happened in the kitchen this morning"

About how you f**ked me until I was paralyzed?

My subconscious mocks and somehow he knows

"Not that"

"You mean the G-u-" I stop myself

"You can say it you know"

"I know"


"I just don't understand why you need it"

"To protect us"

"So there's something that we need protection from?"

"Yes, but look at it this way before those wheels start spinning...

Everyone needs protection, we live in a world where not everyone has their heads screwed on and as a result, people do crazy things, I'm the son of a millionaire, I'm always a target, I have to keep us safe, keep you safe"

"So it's not about Jacqueline"


"Babe, She's your sister -

"She wasn't the first"

"What do you mean?"

"I can't count on my hands how many times I've had Persons show up pretending to be relatives, I have a lot of things in the works that my dad's associates aren't happy about and they'll do whatever they can to make sure I don't go through with it.

"Should I be scared?"

"No, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, ..I'll move heaven and earth before I let anyone do so much as hurt a single strand of hair on that pretty little head of yours .....I got you"

"That does bring me some comfort but I worry about you too, who'll make sure that pompadour is still intact at the end of the day?"

"I'll be fine."

"Please be careful... I can't

"You'll never lose me"

"I'm holding you to that"

"That's fine by me

He makes his way over to me...

Okay, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about"

"What's up?"

"I was thinking we could get you a marketing job at Aubrey and Son since our marketers work mostly remotely and then...


Then we could go to Jamaica


Yeah, I know you just got back but I don't want to spend all my life trying to fix my dad's mistakes, I wanna spend time with the people I love, and I love you...I want to meet your parents. I want to do this right"

Aww, bae, Im... I'd really love that!

Heyyyy Dolls! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Whatever you celebrate, Happy Holidays, I love you ❤️❤️

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