Unexpected Turn

317 28 5

A Week Mark

Daniel and I were still sleeping in separate rooms but we had been hanging out alot over the past few days. I knew a few new things about him but honestly not enough, his answers were always short and political. He was starting to trust me a little more now and I could feel that it wouldn't be long before we went back to the city. Whatever city it was because he did admit were no longer in Florida. Daniel was also supplying me with new ingredients to experiment with new Products. He really believed in me and my abilities.

"Knock Knock"

"Come in"

"Are you busy?"

"Not really. Why?"

"I have to go into town for a meeting and I was wondering if you'd like to join me"

"Is this a trick?"

"No, there's not much here to do and I know you'd be bored out of your mind so....would you like to come with me?"

"Sure. Just let me get ready "

I shuffled through the clothes Remi had bought and settled for a distressed mom jeans, a white tee, a black leather jacket and some strappy heel sandals that was random in the bunch then I took a shower and did a quick wash and go. Once I was done getting ready I waited downstairs for Daniel. Ten minutes later he began descending the stairs dressed in a three piece navy blue suit that made his eyes popped, and hugged his body just right, this was only my second time seeing Daniel in a suit but man could he wear a suit.

"All ready?"


"Good and let me just say....you look really beautiful "

"Thank you....you don't look so bad yourself "

When we got outside there was already a town car and a driver waiting for us

"Good Morning Mr Aubry, Madam"

"Good Morning Spencer, how are you?"

"Fine sir "

Before Spencer could Daniel opened the door for me, when we got inside he informed me

"We've a long drive ahead"

"That's OK. I love road trips "

After an hour or more of driving we pulled up before a skyscraper. Once inside a receptionist greeted Daniel with some not so good news.

"Good Morning Mr Aubry "

"Good Morning Monica"

"Your dad is here"

"What? Where exactly is he?"

"He's in the conference room sir, he's here to stop the meeting "

"Oh my god. Thank you Monica."

Daniel hurried over to the elevator and I followed him, after our arrival on the thirteen floor without even paying much attention to me Daniel walked in the direction of the conference room to retrieve his dad. I wasn't sure where to go so I just stood there, not for long though, soon after a blonde woman about my height wearing a tight fitted dress and LV heels approached me

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