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This chapter is dedicated to @Vannyboo_13, Thank you for the support. Love always.🤍

Daniel's POV

I dont know mom, she doesn't trust me"

"Well Dan do you blame her?, you haven't given her much to trust"

"Mom,You know more than anyone else how complicated things are"

"Then uncomplicate them, all this time you've been introducing her to Danny, the person your dad forced you to become, when are you going to introduce her to the Daniel I raised?"

"I dont know if she would understand mom, i dont want to scare her off. I dont know if she can handle it

"Would you rather scare her off with the truth or lose her based on lies?"


I recently made a brave move and told Yanique about Daniel and I, of course not in the entirety but I told her things have been weird since I got back and that he's been distant. She didn't judge, she just did what she also does, offer advice and thats one of my favorite things about her because truthfully if the roles were reversed id probably be judging, I was in Jamaica less than two week ago bragging about how much Daniel and I were perfect for each other, and now this.
I haven't heard from him in days, I don't even know where he is, it hurts that the person that I love can easily go days without talking to me. How do I always end up in these predicaments?

"What are you going to do now?"

"I dont know, Daniel was going to help me with my papers but i dont think he will now. Maybe I'll just run off.

"Shan you can't own a store as an illegal. What about taxes? Paying the lease?

Then I'll just close it"

"Don't be Ridiculous" his gruff voice regnant


"Can we talk?"

"Yan, me affi call uh back. Lata"

I hang the phone up and place it face down on the bedside table. No distractions.

"The best way to help you understand why i do everything I do is to tell you the truth, so here it is.

My Dad is -was one of the biggest drug lords in New York, from what i know it started out during his days as governor and he just- started his empire so to speak. My mom found out and thats why she left but she couldn't keep me away from him, not that she wanted to really but she needed me safe and after some of the crazy things she saw happen, that was no environment to raise a child. My suspicions about it began in college but I knew better than to ask , i never did.After I graduated college my dad started a conversation with me about it,he told me that i had to take over for him someday, of course I didn't want to but my dad is the kind of man that usually gets his way and I didn't want to challenge him, he taught me A few things and recently it was completely mine because he started getting sick, once it got to the point were he was really far gone i started the process of ending it, it wasnt easy, it isn't easy and there are still loose ends that i'm tying up, there's a lot of people that'd depends on him and his power so me wanting to retire the family business doesn't sit well with them.

Now as for how you tie into this? My dad was the one who bought you. He set everything up with the abductors, You were suppose to be my 30th birthday present but lets just say you were a bit late, I didn't know about it in the initial stage, there are so many moving parts in a business like this, things were already too far gone. I decided to see it through and i promise you i had a plan to shut them down too, when Linda, the boss of that entire operation reached out that she had found you i agreed to it, because i knew you're better off with me and yes, ive thought about the other girls but my plans needed more time.

When we met for the first time and i told you i meant no harm, I wasn't lying. There are a lot of powerful people involved and I just need to make sure I had enough evidence to hold over in court.

I am still in the process of fixing things, Shanice , I dont want to be a tycoon, my favorite part of it all is being able to help people, the fast cars too but ultimately? Meeting you takes the cake. Remember when i told you that i wanted to live in KARRAN I didn't lie then either.
As soon as i get all the stuff with my dads mess handled, im done.

And About Chad, he isn't really my best friend, he's like the annoying friend that I can't seem to shake. He was in prison, I lied because well I didn't want you to know I didn't have any friends, I mean, who doesn't have friends?

Now as for Jamaica and your Ex. You were right, i never flew in, i took a flight from USA toCuba, where i do business a lot then we took a ferry from there to Jamaica the night you sent him the details to the villa. Once we were in jamica i was at the property with you the entire time, Kerry the owner of the Villa somehow knows Remi from years ago and well you know remi is - remi is vital to all of this, to who i am and what I'm doing, I told him what was up from the time you mentioned going back to Jamaica and he made the necessary connections. He has people in Jamaica and thats who those guys were there.

When your ex got there that evening we had some of the guys remove his car from the premises and the security cameras wiped, then remi and i waited in the house, we listened to dinner, and waited. Once we felt you know longer had control of the situation, thats when we intervened. Your ex husband isn't dead, he knocked unconscious and held on the boat the entire time. Remi cleared the property that night, had all trace of him destroyed. The next morning we left, i went back to Cuba and remi took Andrew to some off the grid country, once he gains consciousness he wont even remember who he is.

I am not a monster, my intentions are always pure, i do whatever i can to protect the people i love, and i love you.

I know this is a lot of complicated and you might wanna run for the hills so if you want to leave which i hope you dont ill help in whatever way i can and i trust that you'll keep this between us. It's a dangerous world and you can't trust anyone."

Heyyyy Dolls, Thank you as always for reading,don't forget to vote.💙💙💙

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