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This chapter is dedicated to @Sidonie1964. Thank you for the support.♥️

For probably the first time in my life, I had nothing to say.


"I know it's alot but, I want you to trust me, I want to be honest with you, I want this, I want us and ill do whatever i can to make sure you're happy and you're mine"

"Well, I appreciate your transparency,"

"Is that all.. I want you to know that you can trust me completely. What else would you like to know?"

"I don't know."

"Surely there must be something else, so tell me, what do you wanna know?"

"What are you doing with my money that I make from cc?"

"It's in a bank account,"

"For the card you gave me?

"No, don't be ridiculous, that card is all mine.. I can get you access to your money tomorrow if you'd like... What else?

"Are you really doing anything to help me get my residency or?"

"Of course I am, My lawyers are working on getting you a H1B Visa and we'll register you as a Employee for  Aubrey and Son, you'll have to show up to the office a few days a week to make face but, we're working on it"

"Okay, does your family know that i was..Kid-"

"Mom knows a little, i tell my mom everything, she's one of the only persons i can trust, and I- Matias has his suspicions, but i don't think he knows anything for certain"


"Is that it?"

"Yeah, I can't think of anything else?"

"Are you absolutely sure?"


"Well, if there's anything else, dont be afraid to ask, i know the wheels are probably spinning in that pretty little head of yours,"

"I've one more, actually,"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Will you help me take my braids down?"

"Are you sure? I don't think i'll be of much help. "

"You'll be of great help, trust me,"

'ok.. I'd love to, "


The next day i invited all the girls in for a meeting at CCs, I needed to catch up on every single thing that happened while i was in Jamaica, Ashanti already gave me the run down but i needed every single detail and since id be coming in a lot less, i had to make sure things are in order.

"Okay, girls, settle down.  I've a few things to say

* The room goes silent*

Firstly I want to Thank you guys for everything that you've been doing, i truly appreciate it and as a result i will be increasing your salaries, not by a lot but I hope it'll make a difference. Also, I will be sending all of you to a resort for the weekend to relax and rejuvenate because come next week, you will be running Curls & Care basically by yourselves.

I will be teaching each and everyone of you how to make our products from scratch and Ashanti will be delegating responsibilities among you based on your strengths, I'm also taking this opportunity to promote Zahara to supervisor.


Congrats, Z!


Okay, Boss!

We will work with this new plan for the next few months and see how that goes, my hope is that by the end of the year we will be able to expand which means a new location and hiring more employees.

I know you guys are probably wondering what's really going on, everything is fine, there's no need to worry, I'm working on a few new projects that requires my attention and i trust that you will not disappoint me.

I also want to let you know that I will not be neglecting my duties here, I will stop in and give a helping hand whenever I can.


Sure thing

any questions?



all good

Tati, Nia, Olivia, and I head to the production room whilst Ashanti and Zahara hold things down on the forefront.

I already had some partially made batter in storage that I hurriedly gathered. My plan was to make a base and have the girls turn it into a final product.

Hey, my Dolllss! I missed you guys, I know this chapter is short, it's probably the shortest chapter I have ever published but it's been a while and I wanted to reward you guys for your patience, I have alot of unedited drafts but it's so hard to find time to edit with everything I have going on. I promise that you guys will get a treat for the Christmas and New Year. Thank you for the continued support. Don't forget to follow the book's Instagram, Love you lots!❤️🧚‍♀️

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