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"Okay, guys. Let's go. Let's give the Williams some time to cool off."

I watch as everyone gets up from the table, but my body remains motionless.

Babe? Are you coming?..... Babe

No, staying here with my parents is best.

Uh-oh..Okay, "I love you. I'll call you later," he kisses my forehead, and I watch him disappear from my periphery.

How did we end up back here again? I knew that introducing our families to each other would be a bit of a gamble, but I did not expect it to result in such a massive quarrel. If my dad is this upset about their line of work, he would lock me up in a castle like a Disney princess if he knew how we met. I've forgiven Dan for that. We've moved past it. He said that was all his dad, and I believe him.

do you? My subconscious ridicules me.

There's no way he knew, there's no way he's been playing me all this time. What am I doing? Of course, he didn't know. I'm getting married, we're getting married.  I need to figure out how to get my parents on board again.

I take out my phone and call my favorite girl.

"Hey Bookie, What's up?

"My life is a disaster

aww, I'm guessing, the family meet-up didn't go well"

"it didn't, Yan, There's something I've been keeping from you guys"

"Shan, Please don't tell me this is another Andrew situation"

"No, no, it's not like that, it's...well, Daniel's Dad was a Kingpin before he died

"say what?

"yeah, he was mixed up in the wrong things, and as a result, Daniel has to protect himself and whoever is around him at all times

'that makes sense, the game is no joke, we live in a scary and heartless world, 

"Why couldn't mommy and daddy react how you're reacting right now? Dan's bodyguard came here with his family and Daddy basically blew a gasket

"Shanice I love you but be for f**king real.."You're telling me that you're surprised that your very overprotective parents did not react well when they found out your fiancé is a Don."

"I knew they wouldn't take it well Yan but this, What happened just now was bad, really bad. Daddy called off a wedding that wasn't his to call off. I'm scared Yan, I don't want to get married without my parent's blessings

I know that what they just found out was a lot, but Shan, your parents love you so much. They've seen you go through the worst, and now that you're in a situation with an obvious red flag, it's normal for them to be angry. But if you think for a moment that they're going to let you get married and not be there, you've never met your parents. Everything will work itself out, just give it time. 

"yeah, I 

Whose idea was it to tell them anyway?

"Dad kept pressing the issue of why they needed a bodyguard, and Daniel just blurted out, 'I don't know why he did that'."

"I'm not sure either, but I think he did what he thought was best. Have you talked to him?"

"He went back to the Airbnb. I think I need to stay here tonight."

"do what you need to clear your head

"I should have just waited until tomorrow when you guys will be here to introduce them."

You know, a very wise girl has told me time and time again that things happen when they are supposed to, how they're supposed to, even if we don't understand it in the moment.'

She sounds very wise indeed.


You're still here?"

"yes Mommy, I'm not leaving here until you both hear my side of the story"

"Shanice, How did we end up here?"

"how do you lie next to that man knowing he's a criminal?"

"He's not a criminal mommy"

"What is he then Shanice? do you really expect us to believe that he's only picked up the good parts of his father's criminal lifestyle? matter of fact, there's no good part to a lifestyle like that, we raised you better than this, I cannot understand why you're out here running around with a man who plays God'

"We keep trying to explain to you both that he did not choose this life Mommy, his dad was dying, everything his dad owned became his responsibility, he's not proud of what his dad has done and he's tried to right all the wrongs but with that comes-

danger, and killing. how do you sleep next to this man, how do you even look at him"

"Mommy he's never bothered anybody, he's just defending himself from the things they've done to him

'I can't believe you justifying that boy being a murderer right now, 

well Mommy they would've killed him, if he never defended himself, what do you think would've been an alternative for that

Romans 12:19-21, he and him family have money why dem never leave, go live somewhere else why dem never get the police involved, 

you think it fair that them woulda affi uproot them lives mommy, everyone is in on it, he's been working with the police but even police corrupt too and you know that, there are bad people everywhere

me nuh know how this is your attempt fi convince we fi give we blessings in you marrying this man, everything you'd just told me is proof that being with him will only jeopardize  your life"

"I love this man, Mommy, and I'm marrying him. I love you and Daddy, and I want you both to be in my life for the rest of my life. I want Daddy to walk me down the aisle. I want you both to be around to witness my successes and to be there when I have kids. Please don't make me choose between you guys and him."

"I love you, my Gracie. I do, but I cannot support your relationship with this man. It is not the Christian thing to do, I understand that you may believe this man is your soulmate, but in reality, he is not. God did not send him to you this is not who you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with, you want to bring children into this situation is crazy, that man will more than likely die before he turns forty, and then what? then you and your kids become even more of a target? I cannot support this, I love you that's why I have to make sure you make it. the right decision and leave these people alone".

 Hey guys, I'm doing my best to get back to posting consistently. I missed you all! I hope you enjoy these updates. Please don't forget to vote and leave a comment.❤️🦋

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