Domino Effect

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This Chapter is dedicated to the lovely @Diamonds708, Thank you for your support!🤎

My HEX husband know what i mean"

"Why are you pressing this so much? I thought you'd be happy, he's no longer in your life"

"I don't want him around but that doesn't mean i want him dead.."

"Just leave well enough alone"


Okay, you want the truth?..........

He stares at me impassively..

Here it is...I had spyware installed on your phone before you left for Jamaica. I've access to all your messages, email, call log, photos, calendars, and everything. I also had the detail just in case you found yourself in a predicament where you were helpless, once you ended that video call with him that night, you sent him a message containing the details of the Air BNB and i saw it. I knew you were meeting with him that night so i jumped on a plane, i just wanted to protect you, i guess you could say its faith that we showed up when we did,I did what had to be done, and you're safe now, nothing else matters"

More than anything else i wanted to believe him but i knew he was lying, there's always more when it comes on to Daniel, he's always hiding something, If we are gonna spend the rest of our lives together then he needs to start letting me in, i need the raw truth from now on, he could never scare me off, im locked in for real

"There's more?"

"That's it"

I saw you when you left daniel, i know you didn't leave for the airport, you left in a boat, so how did you really get in the country"

I've always admired your resilience but right now i really need you to relax, stop pushing this.... listen to me,"

"Just tell me..."

"Tell you what SHANICE"

"Is he dead Daniel"

"So thats what this is about?"

"Your narcissistic ex?"

He chuckles and places his face in both his palms

"Ok, got it"

"Got what?"

"You still have feelings for him, after everything, you still love him'

'That's ridiculous,

"Is it?


"You said you went to Jamaica to clear your head, spend time with your family, figure things out but the moment you decided to go you told him, the moment you had a minute to yourself you let him know you were in the country, the moment you were by yourself in that villa, you invited him over"

"Don't you dare try to turn this around on me, you know it was all a part of the act, the plan to get back at him, you know it was for me-

'To get closure?, yeah,thats what you said, but was it Shanice? You didn't hesitate to let that man back in your life and the moment you did, he wiggled his way back in your let him...

'That is not what happened and you know it

"I know exactly what happened, you're the only one whose too blind to-

"This is not on me, this is all you- if you were so against it why did you help me?

"Because i love you!, because i would do anything in this world to make you happy no matter how stupid it seemed, I was tryna make it up to you, after everything I've put you through, i thought maybe if i helped you with this you'd stop seeing me as the bad guy, that you'd reali-

"I never said you was the bad guy-

"You didn't have to You've seen me as the bad guy from the get, I didn't blame you then, i was the bad guy in that situation, what happened was wrong, i take full responsibility, I've spent every day since trying to make it up to you but you just hang it over my head at the smallest inconvenience, you don't think i beat myself up enough over the situation? Over a situation that i had little control over and i tried to Fix, you've

"I love you Da-

"Do you really though? Or was it all just an act?

"You kidnapped me! Bought me! And im still right here, if that's not love I don't know what is,

"It's surviving, you don't love me, you didn't love me, you tolerated me to stay alive, so I wouldn't send you back to those people, you did what you needed to survive, im surprised you even came back from Jamaica, you don't love me, Shanice, you love Andrew. Everyone knows it but you...

He starts walking away, he walks over to the door and grabs his keys and jacket, he presses the elevator button and then he turns to me

"He's not dead by the way, i just took him out of your life. Mainly because i wanted YOU happy...and if im being totally honest? Partially because i thought once he was gone I'd finally have you to myself, maybe then you'd love me as you love him"

"I don't know where you got all this from but you're wrong, I don't love him, I choose you, and I've been choosing you...and us"

"Whatever you say, Shanice"

The elevator doors open and he walks inside

"So you're just gonna leave , you aren't even wearing clothes"

We stare at each other in silence and the doors soon began closing, he stops them before they could completely, standing in the middle, he still doesn't say anything, he just stares at me before running his hand through his pompadour ...

He then retracts his steps and the elevator door closes.

What the f*@k just happened?


There i was again. Watching my life fall apart right before my eyes. I can't forget the way he looked at me before the elevator door closed.

How does this keep happening? I constantly feel Ike i am taking ten steps forward to get dragged a hundred steps back. I never intended for any of this to happen. I never imagined any of this happening.

"You never loved me"- his words keep replaying in my head. My first big fight with Daniel.


Hey Dolls, how are you guys? What did you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Did Shanice ever truly love Daniel and vice versa? Let me know what you think and as always.....THANK YOU FOR READING!

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