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Daniel and Spencer load our luggage into the car ànd we leave for the airport.

We have an early flight so we should be in Jamaica by noon, he allowed me to make all the arrangements this time around so we'll be flying economy and staying in an Air BnB fifteen minutes from my parent's house. No one knows we're coming so technically this is a surprise and I'm anxious about how things will go with him and my dad.

After the exhausting airport process, we decide to grab some McDonald's.

"Welcome to McDonald's, What can I get for you today?"

The question repulses me immediately, my appetite became non-existent and for a moment my mind felt stuck.

She'll have a McGriddle with Orange Juice and I'll have an orange juice as well.

We cash out orders grab our food and get seated.

It was finally dawning on me, the last time I was in Jamaica it happened, the entire Shebang with Andrew, another thing I don't need on my mind to be worrying about but here I am, the life of an overthinker.

"You okay?"


"What's on your mind? You know you can talk to me"

"Andrew" I whisper

"What about him?"

"This...this is the first time since it...this is just bringing all-- the idea of this trip is triggering"

"Babe, I got you. He's gone, he's not coming back, you're fine, we're fine....here gimme your hand....close your eyes, breathe, trust the sound of my voice, you're safe... now let's go to paradise"


Our flight boarding commences and as we get closer to our seats I slightly regret not letting him handle all of this, leaving it up to me to get us middle and aisle seats.

"After you madam" he teased pointing to the middle seat


What? These are our seats... right? He asks sarcastically

They're but...

You don't wanna sit in the middle" he questions

Not really, no.

He shakes his head as he takes the seat...

The things I do for love"

OMG, you're so dramatic

Just say you'll let me book our flight back,


It doesn't matter how many times I fly I always get anxious on flights, I take my seat strap myself in, close my eyes and begin whispering a little prayer, as I do I feel his hand cup mine and our fingers entwine.

Let's just get this over with...

Immigration, customs, the entire works, we're finally on Jamaican soil together.

As we step outside the airport to find our taxi the melting sun pierces my skin and I know for certain I'm home.

In true Jamaican style, our first stop after leaving the airport is KFC

Can I get a barbeque zinger box barbeque leg as the extra piece and a fruit punch juice

"Barbeque zinger finish"

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