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"Good morning, Mr. Aub- Dan...I know it's really early, but

What is it ?"

"it's your dad , he's asking for you,"

"I'll be there soon, Emma."

Is everything okay?" I asked, still asleep

"Yea, my dad wants to see me,"

Do you want me to come?"


At the house

He's through there , catching up.

There you're, I was starting to wonder if you were gonna show up'

"Sorry Dad, I got here as soon as -

"Whatever, how'd the merger go?

The Merger?

That's what i said to the merger. I'd also like to know why Derrick Bailey owns half of my businesses?"

Dad ... Do you know about that?"

"I was getting to that, He woke up this morning and was suddenly lucid. He remembers everything."

"What? How is that possible?"

"It's actually not that uncommon but Mr Aub- Daniel. It's called paradoxical lucidity, and it usually happens within several days of... you know"

"Several days of what Emma"

"Death, son, she thinks im going to die,"

"But that's not always the case, right?" I ask,

"Oh, so this is her, huh?...You picked someone that looks exactly like your mom?"


"Watch your tone with me, boy,"

"Why would you say that?"

'Well, are you going to introduce me?

Babe, why dont you and Emma give my dad and I a minute,

'You're right. We've more important things to discuss.'

Emma and I excuse ourselves to the kitchen, and immediately after, you can hear Daniel and his dad yelling at each other's throats. Well, this is not good. I try to better understand what's actually going on with Jack because i know daniel can not bear to lose him right now

"Is he really going to die?"

"It's very likely, 90% of patients with severe dementia who display lucid episode dies within a week, Patients can die as soon as two hours after"

"Damn, but you said only 90%, so there's a 10% chance he'll live?"

"Look, Shan- Ma'am I dont know you, but you seem like a decent girl, so I get why you're trying to find the rainbow at the end of all this, but there isn't one"

What do you mean?"

Do you believe in Karma?"

"I guess, Why're you asking?"

"Ive known Jack basically all of my life, that man is a lot of things but nice isn't one of them, this is his karma, he's going to die, a man like that doesn't get to be lucid, he doesn't get to live, he's done too much harm, he's ruined too many lives, too many good people. A lot of persons lives would turn upside down if he's lucid, if he's able to move around and actually handle things again, including Daniel, so you should not be praying for him to live. Not many people deserve to die, but Jack does"

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