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Diana and I were filled with excitement as we set out on a journey to explore potential locations for the new spot.

Our adventure started in the most delightful neighborhood with such a lively vibe. The streets were filled with unique little shops and inviting cafes, giving the whole area a friendly and welcoming feel. We stepped into this adorable place with big windows letting in the sunshine. As we wandered around the open space, I could already picture how we could set everything up. Diana even suggested creating a cozy spot where people could take selfies and record videos for their social media.

We had a great time exploring the second location! It was in a lively urban district, and the space had a modern and stylish vibe with cool exposed brick walls and industrial accents. We could see that it would appeal to a wide range of people. As we walked around, bouncing ideas off each other about how to set up the space and what colors to use, Diana suggested incorporating local art into the decor to make people feel connected to the community.

As soon as we arrived at the third location, I was blown away by its spaciousness, high ceilings, and breathtaking view of the city skyline. I could already picture a stunning store that would not only enhance our customers' experience but also exude luxury and positivity. 

After leaving the final location, Diana and I chatted about our day, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each location. I made sure to express my appreciation for Diana's help and support throughout the day.

"Diana, I can't thank you enough for helping me find the perfect spot for Curls and Care's," I said. "You've presented some amazing options, and I want to take a bit more time to carefully consider everything. I'll think over these spaces and get back to you soon with my decision on which one I'd like to lease."

After a productive meeting with Diana, I made my way to catch up with Jasmine.

I have confidence in Jasmine's ability to execute my vision for the relaunch following the success of the last launch.

Jasmine entered the room, her arms cradling a warm basket filled with an assortment of freshly baked muffins. We joyfully greeted each other, and then we sat down with notebooks and laptops.

Jasmine asked me, "What's your vision for the product relaunch?"

I outlined my vision for the relaunch. My goal was to celebrate sisterhood through these products, fostering a sense of unity and empowerment. I envisioned a line that not only enhanced natural beauty but also embraced the diverse textures and unique qualities of Type 4 hair, promoting confidence and a shared sense of identity among black women.

For me, the relaunch of Curls and Care was more than just an event; it was a gathering to foster friendship, celebrate our common mission, and commit to empowering the natural hair community.

Jasmine had this amazing idea for an outdoor luxury brunch celebrating natural hair, beauty, and self-care. The venue will be decked out with banners and stalls featuring local Black-owned businesses, stylists, self-love, mental health, and overall well-being. We're planning workshops on self-care, panel discussions with influential figures in the natural hair community, and experts sharing their knowledge and passion. I'm super excited about it! We've had success in the past with our events, and this time, we're determined to inspire a new generation to embrace their natural beauty with confidence.


I gathered my team for a meeting before opening for the day. The room buzzed with a mix of curiosity and excitement as Nia, Ashanti, Olivia, Tatiana, and Zahara took their seats around the table.

"Good morning, ladies. Thank you all for showing up today. I hope you're all ready for some exciting news."

The team exchanged curious glances. I continued, "As you all know, our store has been growing steadily, and with that growth comes new opportunities. I've been working on securing a new location for us, and I'm thrilled to announce that we're expanding to a larger space."

The team burst into cheers and applause as they absorbed the exciting news. I waited for the excitement to settle before opening the floor for suggestions.

"Now, I want to hear your thoughts and suggestions. How can we make this transition smooth and successful?"

Nia hesitated for a moment before voicing her concern, "Shanice, I'm thrilled about the expansion, but I have been working two jobs to make ends meet. Will the new location affect my schedule or hours?"

"Nia, I want to assure you that we will do our best to accommodate everyone's schedules during this transition. With this new location, my hope is that you will all be given additional responsibilities that come with more pay. We'll work together to ensure a seamless transition and address any concerns along the way."


"Shanice, I've been wanting to share this for a week now, but I couldn't find the right time before. I wanted to let everyone know that I've been hired as a songwriter! It's an amazing opportunity, but it means I'll be relocating for the job." The room fell silent for a moment, the news sinking in. 

Despite feeling a mix of emotions of Tatiana leaving, I couldn't help but feel proud and happy for her.

"Tatiana, this is amazing news! Although we will miss you, we are incredibly proud of your achievement. Congrats!"

"Thank you, I will be sure to stick around and help with the relaunch. It's the least I can do."

"I appreciate that, Tati. Any other concerns before we continue?"

I continued, "I want your help to choose the perfect location for our new store. I have narrowed it down to two fantastic options, and I want to hear your thoughts."

I then showed the first location and described its benefits and potential. "This spot is in the heart of the trendy downtown district. It is surrounded by other high-end shops, and foot traffic is incredible."

I then shifted to the second location, showcasing its unique advantages. "On the other hand, we have this gem in a slightly quieter neighborhood. The community is tight-knit, and the space is more expansive.

With both options laid out, I looked around the room. "Now, I want each of your opinions. Nia, what are your thoughts?"

"The downtown location looks great for getting noticed and attracting plenty of foot traffic".

"Wow, I'm loving the idea of being right in the middle of all the fashion action! The downtown spot has such a cool vibe that totally fits our brand," Ashanti said with excitement.

Olivia chimed in, "Yeah, I'm totally feeling the downtown option too. It's super convenient for our customers and gives them an awesome shopping experience."

Tatiana added, "I'm leaning towards the second location because it's got more space. We could really expand our inventory and make the shopping experience more chill."

Zahara jumped in, "I'm torn because I see the potential in both, but the cozy location might help us connect more with the local community."

As they shared their thoughts, I made a mental note of everything, nodding along.

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