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After a week of celebrating Kev and Ashley's engagement, Daniels's family is arriving today, and I am bracing for more relationship debacle.

In a recent conversation with Mommy, I mentioned that Dan's relatives are planning to visit us soon. I'm assuming Daddy knows about it too, so both of my parents are aware. Nonetheless, I am still feeling nervous about our families meeting each other. I hope it won't be as awkward and uncomfortable as when Dan first met my family. The twins have been traveling back and forth between country and town, so they are not here at the moment. Thankfully, Yan is due to return tomorrow, which brings me some peace of mind as I would prefer not to be alone right now.

"How do you think it'll go?" I asked Dan, who was concentrating on driving.

"Everything will work out fine" 

I can tell that he doesn't believe that he is rarely ever nervous or anxious, but when he is, I can tell. And he is feeling that way right now. I cannot marry a man if his family doesn't get along with mine. Family means too much to me, so this week's visit needs to be perfect. We don't need another curveball in this relationship. Lord knows we don't.

Yeah, it will" I'm not sure if I'm bringing ease to him or myself.


Shanicce! Querida! How are you? Oh my god, you're glowing.

She pulls me into a hug

Hi Mariana, so good to see you again

I'm so happy to be hear, I cannot wait to meet your family...I'm really looking forward to a good time.

I can't wait for you to meet them as well

Hi Shan', Sofia adds.

Hey Soph!

Hey Shanice.

Hi Matias.

Hey Greyson



Hi Remi. I will never get used to that man speaking to me.

After pleasantries we board a bus that will be taking us to our new air bnb for the next few weeks, it's more convenient and closer to my parents house, it'll also allow Daniel to spend some one on one  with his family as I'll be back and forth between here and my parents house as well, spending as much time with them before I leave again.

After pleasantries we board a bus that will be taking us to our new air bnb for the next few weeks, it's more convenient and closer to my parents house, it'll also allow Daniel to spend some one on one  with his family as I'll be back and forth be...

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Oh, I need to be in that water ASAP. It's so blue," Marianna shrieks.

"I'm right there with you," I add.

"Okay, it's settled, beach day for the rest of the day."

"Lol, sounds like a plan."

"We pick our rooms out and then we head to the beach."

Daniel's POV

So how do you think it'll go? Shanice's parents meeting us and all?

I'm hopeful that things will go well. I know I'm not her dad's favorite person, but I think his issue is with me, not you guys.

how much does he know about.. everything?

nothing, It seems like he doesn't like me simply because I am a man and his daughter and I are getting married soon.

well, let's hope he doesn't find out anything about anything because then they'll have a reason to not like your white gangster ass

"that's racists Matias"

"Nah, that's real"

I'll drink to that' Remi chimes in

"ugh, man you're supposed to have my back" I allude

" I do, but that some facts"

Speaking of my "siblings ",  What do you all think about Jack 2.0?

if she's hot let me smash

you're disgusting man, be for real"

"Since when do you need our advice on this kinda sh*t"

'since i don't know wtf to do..."

"You don't owe that girl anything. If you don't want her in your life, then don't. Jack is the one who's obligated to her but also you're the best big brother anyone could ask for, and I'm sure you both can benefit from having each other in your lives.

Shanice POV

"OMG, I can't wait to post these pics...Jamaica is so beautiful!" Greyson exclaimed.

he's always on social media, barely looking up from his phone. I have to text him to get a response.

Social media can be addicting, but as long as he takes a break from his phone and enjoys some fresh air and sunshine occasionally, he should be fine

so now i gotta figure out how to get him  to touch grass"

we both chuckle

Some outdoorsy activities should do it, i think being here will help with that

so your family is very outdoorsy?

yes, very. we were raised outside. This is the country so, country lifestyle

do you've siblings his  age?

no, but I have cousins, we can invite them all over one day and they should get his head out of her phone

sounds good, thank you mija!

Happy to help


After breakfast we get ready to go meet my parents at their house.


Mom, Dad, this is Marianna, Matias Sophia, Greyson, guys these are my parents"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Marcia & this is my husband Patrick"

Pleasure to meet you as well, please come in.

"Who is that?" My dad asks, looking in Remi's direction. As usual, he is a few steps behind but not too far.

"Oh well, that's Remi, Daniel's bodyguard,I would have thought that-" 

Daniel cuts Marianna off before she can  finish  answering. "He is not just a friend, but a very good one and more like a brother to me."

Oh, are you going to invite him? me nuh too sure how the whole bodyguard thing works" mom questions

Daniel signaled Remi to come over to us by nodding his head.

"Marcia and Patrick, I would like to introduce you to Remington," 

Lovely to meet you both" 

Well what I want to know is why unno need a bodyguard, unno a royalty or sum" my dad inquires

We don't actually need him, sir. He is just here as a precautionary measure."

"Precaution from what?

My mom gave my dad a stern look while whispering his name, "Patrick," in an angry tone.

Okay everyone, let's sit down," I nervously suggest, attempting to ease the tension in the air.

Yes yes, come in" my mom adds

"Do you mind if we sit outside? The view is breathtaking and I would love to savor every moment of it." asks Marianna

Of course right this way.

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