Welcome to Amerika

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"Are you sure?"

He asks for the fourth time in less than ten minutes. Daniel came to pick me up from the airport himself, and as much as I needed this to be the sweet man I fell in love with and have been living with for the past few months, what happened in Jamaica happened and we can't ignore it.


"You're definitely not okay, what's up? Tell daddy!" He flirts innocently with his signature smirk

"just a bit jet lagged"

"Okay, we'll be home soon"

He pulls me closer and kisses my forehead.

At the penthouse

"Im gonna go take a shower"

Oh-k? Can I join"

"Not right now"


Ten Minutes Later

"Why are you ignoring me?"

Im not"

"Are we really going to play these childish games?"

"Just because i said no to showering with you once does-"

"Shanice, this has nothing to do with that"

Tell him Shanice

"I just missed you that's all"


"Now see, that i can help with. Why did you just say so?"

You just keep digging yourself deeper..huh?

I need to get out of my own thoughts.

He walks over to me and cups both sides of my face with his palms, before pulling me closer and our lips swish against each other..we continue kissing and his hands trail from my face to my butt cheeks before he seperate my legs and lifts me in a single movement, he takes a few steps back and he lays on the elevated floor of his bed area, I'm on top,

Time to release all this frustration

I reach down and unbutton his pants, without looking I slip his erection inside me, you already know I'm dripping, I writhe my body back and forth, his hands steady squeezing my butt, I sit upright holding onto his shoulders for support, my motion continues for a few, my hands straggles from his shoulder to his neck, he fights back, pulling me into him more

I moan,

He mumbles,

He sits upright looking in my eyes with a steady grip on my shoulders, thrashing his body beneath mine, we kiss and I tug his lower lip with my teeth,

He rolls me over, pins me onto my stomach, slightly shifting my leg up and apart, rubbing his fingers around my clit before sliding inside me again. He thrusts my Cookie ,

"How much did you miss Daddy?" His voice gruff and solemn

I tried to speak but my vocal cords were unable to form anything except moans...

He punishes me further.

"How much did you miss me?


But still not much comes out

"Whose your daddy?"

The words wont come, so why bother...

switching, laying flat ontop of me, licking my ears, pulling my hair, gripping my ass, clutching my throat, he's grave and famished

I conclude and he sneers snuffling his warm breath down my neck

"'you're welcome!"

I missed this...

I'm Home!!!!!!!!

Some home this is

My subconscious adds and I really just want to shut this b*$ch up!

3:34 am

I manage to peak over Daniels broad shoulders at the time. I haven't had these Andrew nightmares in a while, I had one before I left for Jamaica but that was the first time since being with Daniel, I had them alot during the divorce.

This is probably just his ghost haunting me.

It's not my fault what happened.

Some water should help, I try to sit up in bed.

Daniel's hand restricts me.

"Where are you going?"

"To get some water, warden"

"even at four in the morning you got jokes huh?"

How did he do that?

This dude...that was weird.

"How did you know it was four in the Morning?"

"Wild Guess, stay here, I'll get your water"

4:49 am

I still hadn't fallen asleep, the water was no help.

Jesus, be the fence.

5:10 am

"Why're you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep"

"I thought I wore you out"

"Nah, not even a little"

"Oh, she Feisty?"

"Just a little"

"I need you to talk to me though, what's up? You haven't been YOURSELF since you got back?"

"I mean a lot happened in Jamaica so you should've expected that"

"You've got to get your mind off that"

"I can't just not think about that's thats not how my brain works, i can't just turn a blind eye"

"Babe, just let it go

"I need to know, please"

"Babe, whatever happened in Jamaica was to protect you and its best we don't talk about it"

"And I appreciate that but just let me in, for the sake of my mental health, I can't just not think about it, I need answers"

He takes a seat beside me, taking my hands into his....

"I had a personal detail attached to you for your entire trip, i needed to make sure you were okay"

"What? You had someone spying on me?"

"I had someone protecting you"

"And you didn't think to ask me? That is not okay"

"I didn't think you would have a problem with me trying to protect you, that's my job, to keep you safe"

"Danie- hold on, even if you had someone following me, YOU were in Jamaica....."

"I was"

"So there is no way you took a flight from here to Jamaica between the time Andrew arrived til you showed up"

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"You can't just change the topic in the middle of our conversation, how did you get to Jamaica when you did,?"

"I can do things you can't even begin to fathom"

"Yeah, maybe but lying isn't one of them,

Babe i-"

"Don't babe me..you're straight up lying to my face right now, you don't even respect me enough, to be honest "

"I don't want you in the middle of this..the less you know, the better, you've to trust me"

"I want to but you put me in the middle when you showed up in Jamaica with your goons and knocked my husband half to death then have his lifeless body dragged away never to be seen again, where is-

"YOUR HUSBAND????????!!!!!!!"

Hey Dolls, how did we like this one? Please don't forget to vote and comment, and as always Thanks for reading, love y'all♥️

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