Be Mine

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We met Daniel's dad and Emma his nurse at the hospital, thankfully there wasn't anything major wrong, just a bruised chin.

After a night at the hospital Daniel went home with his dad and I went home to get ready for my meeting with the event planner and shopping, Daniel and I kept each other updated through the day.


The store bell dings and I raise my head from my busy counter to a average height, full rounded, melaninated goddess rocking bantu knots, professionally dressed with minimal makeup and a captivating smile

"Shanice?! Hi I'm Jasmine McClellan ceo and founder of Posh Piosed Events, Daniel mentioned I was coming"

Daniel did mention she was coming but she wasn't at all what I a good way though

"Yes, sorry. Hi Jasmine, so nice to meet you"

"Likewise, so this is the space?"

"Yes, it is. Is it too small"

"It's not, I'll make it work. Daniel already gave me the run down of things , so I'm really just here to confirm with you"

"Ok. Great"

After a successful meeting with Jasmine and her convincing me she could effectively host Bob Marley's funeral in a tiny shop space Spencer arrives for my shopping spree.

Forty five minutes of combating traffick and Spencer parks at a high end boutique with large glass windows bearing its interior, A average height blonde whose clearly had work done prances through the door

"Shanice Darling, come."

Once we enter the boutique she presses a button behind the counter and it tints the boutique glasses

"It's just us, what are you looking for today?"

"Honestly? Everything. I sort of lost my clothes and so I've just been wearing sweats ever since, I also have the grand opening for my store Friday so I need something for that too"

"I'll have you shopped and ready in no time" She convinces

This boutique wasn't exactly the place to shop for comfy clothing or sweats, it was boujee-ness at its finest, I got few pieces for work or just a special event and then we searched for the perfect dress for my grand opening.

Six hours later and a high credit, Lisa and I stumble through the boutique door onto the sidewalk with bags stacked on our arms.

Daniel was leaning against the town car with Spencer a few feet away from him and his face lit up when he saw me.

"Daniel Darling" Lisa greeted but Daniel steadied his attention on me.

"All done?" He asked flirtatiously

"I'm thanks to Lisa" I said in a suggestive tone. He finally recognizes her and replies

"Thanks Lisa, you know what to do"

"Sure thing, Always a pleasure darling"

We stuffed the car with the countless bags and journeyed home.

"So I take it you got everything you need?"

"I wish, I'll just buy the rest online, shopping in person is too exhausting"

"I know exactly what you mean.... What would you like for dinner?"

"I'm so hungry, I'll eat anything "

"Anything?" He teased with a devilish smile

"You know what I mean"

"I do. I'll have something delivered by the time we get home"

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