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I know you would but there's something else before we leave?

Am I ready to hear this?

I trust that you're and this is something you'll understand better if I show you.

The Next Day

I'll be having THE meeting today, ill let you know how it goes, then I have two other meetings and I'll pick you up around 3 pm..okay?

Are you at least going to tell me where we're going?

You said you wanted to know what's going on. We have a business meeting.

Okay, I don't think ill be going into CCs today, this place needs a serious deep clean and the laundry needs to get done

Okay, ill see you later. I love you.

I love you too"

2:58 PM

I recognize his scent before he even enters our bedroom, and as usual, I wasn't sure what to wear, I stood at the edge of our bed staring at three outfits I had grabbed from my closet earlier, what do I even wear to these things?

'Lemme guess can't choose an outfit he tease as he walks over and kisses my forehead

Precisely...I need help, a hint something...

He points to the jeans and sweatshirt combo I had chosen

This is perfect"

I pair them with some combat boots and we begin our journey

We drive for about an hour and then we pull up to the apartment complex, Remi stands outside, and once the car comes to a stop he greets up. That's probably the first time he's ever said anything to me

We make our way inside the building and then take the elevator to a floor below the basement that's activated on the elevator keypad with a special key card....why am I not surprised?

The elevator opens to a room with about ten average persons gathered inside talking

There's this one blonde woman who seems so oddly familiar, I know I've seen her before but my brain doesn't immediately recognize where...

Hey Everyone" his demanding voice commands their attention and they all turn to face us almost immediately before replying in their different slang terms

Hey Boss

Mr. Big Man

Yo boss man

Mr. Aubrey

And so

Team, you all know my fiancé Shanice.

Babe this is Winston, Matthew, Kevin, Bryan, George, Scott, Tyler, Debra, and Ruth,

Damn, the government name Boss?" One of the guys on the far right asks jokingly

Do we have a problem, Winston?"

Not at all"

As I was saying..they're my security details, they protect the people I love"

Like me?" I ask, before adding "That's why you look so familiar?!!! I've seen you before at "

And that's the exact moment I remembered where I have seen her before

"New hair salon," we both say in unison

"It's the only place I let myself be seen, I know she won't think too much about it there " she convinces Daniel

What's the report?" He asks

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